  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'll be going to Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus on 18 June.  Will there be a Just You rep to meet us at the airport in Gatwick?  If not, will there be a rep in Istanbul?  If so, how will we recognise the rep in Istanbul?
Just You
  • (Administration)
Dear Rose,

Thanks for getting in touch. There will be a rep at Gatwick to meet you, and the Local Holiday Director will meet you at Istanbul Airport in the arrivals area. They will be holding a bright purple Just You clipboard so you’ll be able to spot them easily, and please keep your Just You luggage tags visible on your luggage too. The Holiday Director will not leave the airport without you and he has a list of travellers with him so all will be well! Have a wonderful time and if there is anything else we can help with please let us know.

Best wishes,

Just You Team