Anne Rimer
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just back from a great week visiting Istanbul (very big, busy, bustling, mosques, churches, palaces, museums, bazaars, Bosphorus cruise would have liked it to be longer!), British War Memorial and ANZAC cemetery at Galipoli were very moving, Troy, pancakes at a hill village cafe, Pergamon very interesting - on top of a hill so a lovely refreshing breeze and amazing views for miles, visited carpet factory (some purchased!) and leather outlet with fashion show! (Again some purchased!), Ephesus definitely good to visit.

Most hotels were good with buffet food and pools (except Istanbul). Group of 29 was great and we all seemed to get on well - hopefully some friendships made! Guide, Levent(?) was excellent, as was driver Ismet.

I have a hearing problem but everyone was very patient with me, and helpful - thank you all!

A lot of walking, some pretty rough up and down through ruins, and a huge amount packed into each day so quite exhausting, but worth it and good to fall into the pool each evening! Could have done with one extra last day to relax.

I recommend this holiday - if you have plenty of energy! And am now trying to decide where to go next with Just You - organisation of whole trip was excellent.

I agree with all Anne's comments - this is a fantastic trip that I would recommend to anyone. As everyone did in our party whatever our age or fitness level, you do need to be realistic and self managing about walking on unsmooth surfaces/steps in humid conditions to get the best out of this holiday (which is pointed out on the Just You site in the information prior to booking).I too would have liked a day to 'chill' after our road trip, and although the hotels were a very good standard it would have been an added bonus to haves somewhere for a stroll after dinner at a couple of them. But those would have just been very small 'bonus' extras and the lack of them did not detract from the quality of this tour. This was my first Just You holiday. It turned out to be an exceptional experience in a country I adore, with kind and interesting travelling companions. I will definitely be booking another trip somewhere with Just You again :)

Sandra Oxley

'Anne wrote:

Just back from a great week visiting Istanbul (very big, busy, bustling, mosques, churches, palaces, museums, bazaars, Bosphorus cruise would have liked it to be longer!), British War Memorial and ANZAC cemetery at Galipoli were very moving, Troy, pancakes at a hill village cafe, Pergamon very interesting - on top of a hill so a lovely refreshing breeze and amazing views for miles, visited carpet factory (some purchased!) and leather outlet with fashion show! (Again some purchased!), Ephesus definitely good to visit.

Most hotels were good with buffet food and pools (except Istanbul). Group of 29 was great and we all seemed to get on well - hopefully some friendships made! Guide, Levent(?) was excellent, as was driver Ismet.

I have a hearing problem but everyone was very patient with me, and helpful - thank you all!

A lot of walking, some pretty rough up and down through ruins, and a huge amount packed into each day so quite exhausting, but worth it and good to fall into the pool each evening! Could have done with one extra last day to relax.

I recommend this holiday - if you have plenty of energy! And am now trying to decide where to go next with Just You - organisation of whole trip was excellent.

Hi Ann agree with everything you say, this was my first Just You but not my last (hopefully without the fall next time) I will be putting a photo link on this site when I have sorted out the 252 photos I took, nice to come back to Autumn isn't it (I don't think)
  • (Member)
Absolutely agree with all the comments. A great holiday, with amazing sites and sights. Good company, great weather. Highly recommend this trip. This was my first time with Just You and I will certainly be back.
Anne Rimer
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'grahamwhibley' wrote:

Hi Ann agree with everything you say, this was my first Just You but not my last (hopefully without the fall next time) I will be putting a photo link on this site when I have sorted out the 252 photos I took, nice to come back to Autumn isn't it (I don't think)

Hi Graham

Hope the elbow is making a good recovery.

What a shock the cold rainy weather was to come back to! Need to get on with planning next warm trip to have it to look forward to!

Anne Rimer
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'SandraOx' wrote:

I agree with all Anne's comments - this is a fantastic trip that I would recommend to anyone. As everyone did in our party whatever our age or fitness level, you do need to be realistic and self managing about walking on unsmooth surfaces/steps in humid conditions to get the best out of this holiday (which is pointed out on the Just You site in the information prior to booking).I too would have liked a day to 'chill' after our road trip, and although the hotels were a very good standard it would have been an added bonus to haves somewhere for a stroll after dinner at a couple of them. But those would have just been very small 'bonus' extras and the lack of them did not detract from the quality of this tour. This was my first Just You holiday. It turned out to be an exceptional experience in a country I adore, with kind and interesting travelling companions. I will definitely be booking another trip somewhere with Just You again :)

Sandra Oxley

Hi Sandra

Thanks for the photos - great. I've not sorted mine yet but will send some when I do next week.


'Anne wrote:

Just back from a great week visiting Istanbul (very big, busy, bustling, mosques, churches, palaces, museums, bazaars, Bosphorus cruise would have liked it to be longer!), British War Memorial and ANZAC cemetery at Galipoli were very moving, Troy, pancakes at a hill village cafe, Pergamon very interesting - on top of a hill so a lovely refreshing breeze and amazing views for miles, visited carpet factory (some purchased!) and leather outlet with fashion show! (Again some purchased!), Ephesus definitely good to visit.

Most hotels were good with buffet food and pools (except Istanbul). Group of 29 was great and we all seemed to get on well - hopefully some friendships made! Guide, Levent(?) was excellent, as was driver Ismet.

I have a hearing problem but everyone was very patient with me, and helpful - thank you all!

A lot of walking, some pretty rough up and down through ruins, and a huge amount packed into each day so quite exhausting, but worth it and good to fall into the pool each evening! Could have done with one extra last day to relax.

I recommend this holiday - if you have plenty of energy! And am now trying to decide where to go next with Just You - organisation of whole trip was excellent.

It will be great to see more photos Anne & Graham, I always miss interesting shots due to nosing about 🙂. Graham I hope your arm is easing. I think the only antidote to the British weather is to book another holiday!

Kind regards,


'SandraOx' wrote:

It will be great to see more photos Anne & Graham, I always miss interesting shots due to nosing about 🙂. Graham I hope your arm is easing. I think the only antidote to the British weather is to book another holiday!

Kind regards,


Hi Everyone.

Funny you should mention booking another holiday Sandra. I have just booked Cuba for next May. One or two people asked me to tell them on this site when I was going so I might see some of you there!

I have a photo of us at the belly dancing night Sandra, but I haven't worked out how to attach it yet.

Horrible English weather .


  • (Member)
'Essextown' wrote:

'SandraOx' wrote:

It will be great to see more photos Anne & Graham, I always miss interesting shots due to nosing about 🙂. Graham I hope your arm is easing. I think the only antidote to the British weather is to book another holiday!

Kind regards,


Hi Everyone.

Funny you should mention booking another holiday Sandra. I have just booked Cuba for next May. One or two people asked me to tell them on this site when I was going so I might see some of you there!

I have a photo of us at the belly dancing night Sandra, but I haven't worked out how to attach it yet.

Horrible English weather .


Hi All

I am thinking of Sicily next year. Loved the pictures Sandra and am still revelling in the memories and boring anyone who will listen with the details. All the best Jo:)

Hi Janet

I don't know how to attach them either but it would be funny to see the one from our cultural experience (viewing not demonstrating the belly dancing on this occasion:angel:). I have spotted an 'add attachment' tab but get an error message when I try and upload a file.

I'm dithering between N Cyprus and Florence in May. Cuba sounds fab - I expect a full report on your return. Judith Chalmers eat your heart out ha!

I will get these pictures to you, honest, I have been in touch with Just You to see if there is a way to put them on this site, they are looking at a way to do this but haven't sorted it yet, I am having a bit of trouble with the clinic where I had the stitches the fax I sent to them from the hotel reception in Kusadasi didn't get though so I had to scan and email the paperwork but all I get back is empty emails, about 20 to date, they haven't charged me yet, anyway I have just sent another one, also translated into Turkish (you can get a free programme online to do it)hope they understand it, the arm has healed and the stitches came out last Friday (not bad 6 days a?) and I have just got steri strips on now. stay:D in touch you lot

'SandraOx' wrote:

It will be great to see more photos Anne & Graham, I always miss interesting shots due to nosing about 🙂. Graham I hope your arm is easing. I think the only antidote to the British weather is to book another holiday!

Kind regards,


Jo, I went to Sicily in 2008, it's a wonderful island packed with things to experience. If you do go and get chance to go to the top of Etna I can recommend it, as well as Taomina and the Aeolian islands. I hope you have a wonderful time whereever you go.


Glad to hear your arm is healing well Graham, let us know if you do get the photo's uploaded.


😃 Sandra I have filled in the questionnaire and put a note about photos in it maybe someone there will find a solution, I have heard from Beryl as hers was the only email address I had so can send her a link directly.

'grahamwhibley' wrote:

I will get these pictures to you, honest, I have been in touch with Just You to see if there is a way to put them on this site, they are looking at a way to do this but haven't sorted it yet, I am having a bit of trouble with the clinic where I had the stitches the fax I sent to them from the hotel reception in Kusadasi didn't get though so I had to scan and email the paperwork but all I get back is empty emails, about 20 to date, they haven't charged me yet, anyway I have just sent another one, also translated into Turkish (you can get a free programme online to do it)hope they understand it, the arm has healed and the stitches came out last Friday (not bad 6 days a?) and I have just got steri strips on now. stay:D in touch you lot

'SandraOx' wrote:

It will be great to see more photos Anne & Graham, I always miss interesting shots due to nosing about 🙂. Graham I hope your arm is easing. I think the only antidote to the British weather is to book another holiday!

Kind regards,


Thanks Graham, lets hope so it would be great to see them.
I have just seen how much the clinic have taken from my credit card, how about £1054.18, must have been in the wrong business all my life, now all I have to do is get the paperwork from them so I can claim it back, I will use a different insurance next time so if I fall over again it gets dealt with direct, I am nearly ready to sort the access out so the group can see the pictures I took

'SandraOx' wrote:

Glad to hear your arm is healing well Graham, let us know if you do get the photo's uploaded.


I hopefully have managed to put my Turkey pictures on a Google Picasa Album, I think you can access them by looking for Picasa Albums "Turkey 8th-15th September", I have at last got the medical treatment details from Turkey it turns out that the delay was due to a 10 day holiday and all I was getting was automated replies, anyway it's all healed now and just a memory.
  • (Member)
'grahamwhibley' wrote:

I hopefully have managed to put my Turkey pictures on a Google Picasa Album, I think you can access them by looking for Picasa Albums "Turkey 8th-15th September", I have at last got the medical treatment details from Turkey it turns out that the delay was due to a 10 day holiday and all I was getting was automated replies, anyway it's all healed now and just a memory.

Hi Graham - I've added a link to your photo album which everyone should be able to view here: 

Some fantastic shots there - thank you for letting us see them. Would you object to us using any of them online (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) at all?



Thanks Tim that's great, at first I couldn't work out how to give access without having email addresses but you have solved it, no I don't mind you using any of the photos feel free, I see you removed my email address but maybe thats for the better

'Tim' wrote:

'grahamwhibley' wrote:

I hopefully have managed to put my Turkey pictures on a Google Picasa Album, I think you can access them by looking for Picasa Albums "Turkey 8th-15th September", I have at last got the medical treatment details from Turkey it turns out that the delay was due to a 10 day holiday and all I was getting was automated replies, anyway it's all healed now and just a memory.

Hi Graham - I've added a link to your photo album which everyone should be able to view here: 

Some fantastic shots there - thank you for letting us see them. Would you object to us using any of them online (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) at all?



Anybody been watching the 3 programmes about the Ottoman Empire? I know Bill said he would like to know more as did I, must have been made especially for us.