• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Had a fantastic full-on fast track tour of the National Parks USA lasting 16 days, over 3000 miles, I counted we went through 7 States and several time zones, our days kept getting longer. We started off in Las Vegas in over 100 degrees of heat which never really abated for the whole tour. Walked through Zion Canyon, walked around the rim of Bryce Canyon, through Arches National Park, but the altitude and heat were a challenge. I would say don't do this tour if you aren't fit. Its a very fast turn around in the evening to get back out for dinner, very early rising to be on the coach for 8/8.30 a.m. every day, and lots of one nighters in hotels living out of a suitcase. Our tour guide Wendy was full of information and nothing was too much trouble, in fact sometimes she had to be a sheep dog herding some of us back on the coach. Holiday of a lifetime but not for the faint-hearted, I just about managed it!

'BOTTI' wrote:

Had a fantastic full-on fast track tour of the National Parks USA lasting 16 days, over 3000 miles, I counted we went through 7 States and several time zones, our days kept getting longer. We started off in Las Vegas in over 100 degrees of heat which never really abated for the whole tour. Walked through Zion Canyon, walked around the rim of Bryce Canyon, through Arches National Park, but the altitude and heat were a challenge. I would say don't do this tour if you aren't fit. Its a very fast turn around in the evening to get back out for dinner, very early rising to be on the coach for 8/8.30 a.m. every day, and lots of one nighters in hotels living out of a suitcase. Our tour guide Wendy was full of information and nothing was too much trouble, in fact sometimes she had to be a sheep dog herding some of us back on the coach. Holiday of a lifetime but not for the faint-hearted, I just about managed it!

I'm going on this trip on the 6th September so was very interested in your comments. Hopefully going a bit later in the year the temperatures won't be so hot for us. I did South Africa last year and that too involved a lot of travelling and early starts so hopefully I won't find that to bad.

As evening meals are not included, what did you do about eating in the evenings. Did the group stay generally together in the hotels or did you go your seperate ways out and about?

How much do you recommend for spending money?

I would really appreciate your advice or recommendations on anything in general.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
HI, our tour leader suggested a few places to eat and suggested a meeting up time in the hotel lobby, usually 7/7.30pm and then we would meet up and decide who wanted to eat where and either all went togetherI or broke up into groups which was better as there were 33 in our group and restaurants get swamped by large groups and then the service suffers. I took £500 initially but there are ATM machines available in most hotels or towns and you can withdraw more, better than taking a lot of cash with you. I did all the activities on offer, fixed wing flight over Lake Powell, helicopter over Grand Canyon, breathtaking, 4 wheel drive thru Monument Valley, river raft trip down the Snake River (no white water), Cowboy Cookout Wagon Ride, the flights accepted credit/debit cards but the others want cash. Can't advise you about the weather but there was still snow on the mountains and it was chilly on the Snake River at 6 a.m.!