  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is there any advice on how widely accepted the Thomas Cook Cash Passport cards are in New Zealand? I seem to be getting mixed advice and don't want to be left carrying the wrong thing. Also do you know what the luggage limit per person will be for this trip? Can't see that there has been any tips from previous travellers for this holiday
  • (Member)

I haven't heard any opinions on the Thomas Cook card either way but perhaps some other Community users who see this message may be able to offer their views.

I would suggest that if you are in any doubt, you should take money in a form that you are comfortable with. Personally I would take a reasonable amount of local currency in cash and take my debit card to use at the cashpoints over there if you need to. But I'd always check with my bank to see if the machines will accept my card.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor


I went to NZ in March this year and took NZ dollars, debit card and credit card. I think whatever you take it will be a personal choice and what is the cheapest option! Enjoy.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks very much for the information.I think that's likely to be what I do.
