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Visa arrived today:-)

I know not all travellers use the forum but saying hi to anyone on this departure.


Relieved that at least one other person is going on this trip.

Looking forward.  😛

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Hi Lolsson,

I asked a while back and there were 12 on the main tour with 4 doing the add on - 16 in total.

I am on the Isle of Wight and this morning, for example, winds disrupted Solent travel so I'll take the risk element out of the equation by travelling up the date before. Probably at the Premier Inn but I have not yet booked.

The tour has had great reviews so looking forward to the trip & meeting everyone.


'IanWight' wrote:

Hi Lolsson,

I asked a while back and there were 12 on the main tour with 4 doing the add on - 16 in total.

I am on the Isle of Wight and this morning, for example, winds disrupted Solent travel so I'll take the risk element out of the equation by travelling up the date before. Probably at the Premier Inn but I have not yet booked.

The tour has had great reviews so looking forward to the trip & meeting everyone.


Hi Ian,

Thank you for this info. I hope the group will not be too big. In view of the current political situation in Myanmar I would not presently have booked this holiday, but nevertheless I am quietly looking forward. I have read a lot of reviews and it sounds amazing. Can't wait. 


Hi Ian and Lolsson,

I'm also booked on this trip - without the add-on. It sounds amazing, according to the reviews.

Looking forward to meeting you, and the rest of our companions 🙂 


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'lolsson' wrote:

'IanWight' wrote:

Hi Lolsson,

I asked a while back and there were 12 on the main tour with 4 doing the add on - 16 in total.

I am on the Isle of Wight and this morning, for example, winds disrupted Solent travel so I'll take the risk element out of the equation by travelling up the date before. Probably at the Premier Inn but I have not yet booked.

The tour has had great reviews so looking forward to the trip & meeting everyone.


Hi Ian,

Thank you for this info. I hope the group will not be too big. In view of the current political situation in Myanmar I would not presently have booked this holiday, but nevertheless I am quietly looking forward. I have read a lot of reviews and it sounds amazing. Can't wait. 


Hi Linda, Without getting embroiled in the political rights and wrongs (Burma has a troubled history anyway) from what I can see - and also from another thread - the current political issues are in the border regions and will not affect the places we will be visiting.

I have now booked at the Premier Inn on the Bath Road for the night before we travel.

Like you I am really looking forward to this trip.


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'ell-ee' wrote:

Hi Ian and Lolsson,

I'm also booked on this trip - without the add-on. It sounds amazing, according to the reviews.

Looking forward to meeting you, and the rest of our companions 🙂 


Hi Lorraine,

Apologies for not saying hi sooner - I thought I had signed up for e-mail notifications of replies but apparently not & I have only just seen your post.

Yes there are some great reviews (& they have been very useful) & I am also looking forward to this trip.

Like you I am not doing the add-on. Although the trip is pretty full on I have given up the day job so I'll have a rest when I get home!


'IanWight' wrote:

'ell-ee' wrote:

Hi Ian and Lolsson,

I'm also booked on this trip - without the add-on. It sounds amazing, according to the reviews.

Looking forward to meeting you, and the rest of our companions 🙂 


Hi Lorraine,

Apologies for not saying hi sooner - I thought I had signed up for e-mail notifications of replies but apparently not & I have only just seen your post.

Yes there are some great reviews (& they have been very useful) & I am also looking forward to this trip.

Like you I am not doing the add-on. Although the trip is pretty full on I have given up the day job so I'll have a rest when I get home!


Hi Lorraine and Ian,

I have been looking into what currency to bring with me to Myanmar and it is all a bit confusing. It seems that credit/visa cards are not widely accepted and the best way is to bring USD to change into Kyats upon arrival. 

This means that you will be carrying around a lot of cash. Do you have any input on this.

Looking forward to meeting you and our fellow travellers.



Hello Ian and Linda,

Ian: no problem! I have long gaps when I don't check the forum, so I don't notice any delays 🙂. Like you, I'll rest when I get home. Normally I'd participate in any add-ons, as I feel that having travelled such a distance, I want to see as much as I can. However, as this is only a beach resort, which I'm not too bothered about, I thought I'd save those extra pennies for another holiday!

Linda: I was planning on taking dollars and credit cards. When travelling, I normally use a money belt to keep my cash as safe as possible, and once at the hotel pop it in the safe and only take out what I estimate I'll need for the day. I also normally spread any money around - I tend to wear combat style trousers that have lots of pockets! I'm not a great one for souvenirs, unless it's jewellery, so I'm expecting to use most of the cash on food and drink, so I won't be taking that much with me anyway.

I've just had my typhoid and tetanus top-up jabs, but have decided not to take anti-malarial tablets. Reading through the reviews, it would appear that quite a few people opted out, and so I'll just use lots of insect repellent, including spraying my clothes. That's worked for me so far, so fingers crossed!

See you both, and our other companions, on the 30th 🙂

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Linda & Lorraine,

Only 4 weeks to go!


There are later reviews but this is a great starting point.

Jonah managed on $300 as the cost of living is low but it is a bit of a "how long is a bit of string" scenario as costs will go up if you like a few drinks of an evening or are an inveterate spender. The general view is take US$ but these must be brand new and unfolded.

I would imagine that spreading money around is the way to go!

The jury is out on malaria tablets - I had my top up jabs the other day & the practice nurse was a bit "doom & gloom" but I think she had not checked anything beforehand (despite my previously filling in a form saying where exactly I was going) & I felt she was busking it reading off the screen as she went along! The little blighters seem rather fond of me so I shall certainly be spraying!

Lorraine: I've already spent my no add-on savings on trip(s) for 2018 🙂 .
