  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Would be interested to hear from anyone else who is going on this trip, or has done it before.

Hi Sharon, this is a holiday I'm hoping to do sometime.  I know there is a review within the last year if you scroll through the reviews tab - I remember that Mike, one of the forum regulars, went there.  It seemed well worth it.


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon,

I'm not on this trip but it is on my (very long) list!  Hope you have a great time and please do write a review when you get back - I'd love to know what you think of it!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon,

Katy is right - I did the Moscow & St Petersburg tour, based on Tolstoy's War and Peace, last September and really enjoyed it. The hotel in Moscow is different to the one I stayed in, but I'm pleased to see that the wonderful Taleon Imperial in St Petersburg is still taking JY guests. The itinerary remains largely unchanged from when I visited, so if you would like to read my review it will still be mostly relevant.

If you get Irina as your local guide in Moscow, please say hi to her for me. She was a real font of knowledge and a lovely lady who would go out of her way to help you. She was also extremely honest and open in answering any questions you may have about life in Russia today.

I hope you book this tour because I'm sure that you'll enjoy it. I personally found Russia to be a fascinating country, and the people quite welcoming. The two cities are quite different, which only added to the enjoyment of the tour, the buildings and architecture in St Petersburg particularly are stunning and the historical parts of the tour (Borodino Battle Museum Panorama, the Kremlin Armoury Museum) I found especially interesting.

If you have any other questions about this wonderful holiday, I'll do my best to answer them.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks, Mike - very helpful, as is your review of this trip. I'm really looking forward to it (my second JY holiday after Inspirational China (with Hong Kong add-on) last Saptember.
Welsh Lady
Hi Sharon.

I have booked to go on this September 5th tour to Moscow & St. Petersburg. I'm very excited and looking forward to seeing the architecture and hearing about the history.

See you there!
