  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
After thinking about it for quite a while, I have finally booked my first JY holiday. It is well in advance, but I really liked the look of this new holiday. It is only 6 days, which should be ok for the first break on my own. I am 75 years young, a widower for 2 years, and love travel, food and wine, so this one seemed perfect. I love France, and visited many times with my wife in the past, but never to Bordeaux itself and the surrounding area .

If anyone is going or thinking about booking, please get in touch, as I am a bit nervous about the thought of my first single venture.

  • (Member)
Hi Alfie, I hope you have a great time on your first JY holiday - this is one I have my eye on, it really sounds brilliant! However I don't think I'll be able to do it for a couple of years - too many other places I want to see first! JY are a great company, I'm about to go on my 11th holiday with them and I can honestly say using JY has been the best decision I've made in many years!

Have a great holiday!


  • (Member)
Hi alfie1960,

It is nice to hear form you.

There are many people in your situation that use JY and many people that aren't (myslef included). I have been using JY since i was 21 and have done 5 tours, most recently the battlefields tour,a ll of which i have loved.

This holiday has caught my eye as well. I love France, but i have always found the biggest expense to be food, so when i saw that the food was included, it was a done deal haha! We also get to visit many UNESCO sites on the way so i am actually quite excited about this one although i haven't booked yet.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks BGray and Marks for your messages. I feel more confident about the trip already!

Hope to meet up sometime in the future.

Best wishes,

John (alfie1960)

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Nice to hear from you both. I feel more confident about the trip already.



  • (Member)
No problem, glad we could help, and dont forget to write a review upon your return 🙂


I fancy this one too as Mark knows. I was on the Battlefields Tour with him and it would be lovely to do another France trip. The included food on this trip is a BIG plus. Personally it's bad enough having to pay their high prices for beer without adding in food every day. :thumbup:
Old Batt
'alfie1960' wrote:

After thinking about it for quite a while, I have finally booked my first JY holiday. It is well in advance, but I really liked the look of this new holiday. It is only 6 days, which should be ok for the first break on my own. I am 75 years young, a widower for 2 years, and love travel, food and wine, so this one seemed perfect. I love France, and visited many times with my wife in the past, but never to Bordeaux itself and the surrounding area .

If anyone is going or thinking about booking, please get in touch, as I am a bit nervous about the thought of my first single venture.

Hi Alfie

Having read your message above, I too love travel food and wine and have never travelled alone before, so I may follow your example!! I too am widowed and a sprightly almost 70 year old! It would be good to hear more from you

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Old wrote:

'alfie1960' wrote:

After thinking about it for quite a while, I have finally booked my first JY holiday. It is well in advance, but I really liked the look of this new holiday. It is only 6 days, which should be ok for the first break on my own. I am 75 years young, a widower for 2 years, and love travel, food and wine, so this one seemed perfect. I love France, and visited many times with my wife in the past, but never to Bordeaux itself and the surrounding area .

If anyone is going or thinking about booking, please get in touch, as I am a bit nervous about the thought of my first single venture.

Hi Alfie

Having read your message above, I too love travel food and wine and have never travelled alone before, so I may follow your example!! I too am widowed and a sprightly almost 70 year old! It would be good to hear more from you

Hi Old Batt,

Sounds a bit rude calling you "Old Batt", but I like the name !!

I lost my wife in July 2013 , after she was diagnosed with lung/liver cancer, but then died after only one month, from a massive stroke.

With the total support of my 3 children/9 grandchildren, I have travelled quite a lot since then, mainly with them or old friends, some of whom are also widows. However, I like meeting new people, and this Just You break seemed a great way to start.

I live in Leigh-on-Sea (near Southend) in Essex, and am lucky to have all my family within a mile, so I see a great deal of all of them.

Anyway, it would be very nice to hear back from you at some time.

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
I would like to do this but there's so many I would like to do.. maybe in 2017!
  • (Member)
Hi Alfie, Old Batt and anyone else who has booked,

I have just booked this holiday today. After looking at it for ages I decided to stop humming and hawing and to get on with it as I'd hate to miss out on all that gourmet food and wine tasting! It seems that out of the 25 possible places 10 are booked already.

I'll be flying down to Gatwick the day before as the provisional flight time is 8.40am. That will be another night staying in what is becoming my second home, the Premier Inn at the north terminal.

This isn't my first JY holiday but I remember well how I felt before my first trip on my own. I needn't have worried as I was with a great bunch of people and it has been like that on every holiday since....and will hopefully be the same on this one.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi RaeW,

Good to hear that you have booked this trip.

I am thinking about staying at The Premier Inn also, but might just get up very early and drive down from Essex.

It normally takes me about an hour to get to Gatwick. I will enquire about a "Meet and Greet" company, as that means I can just turn up at departures.

Best wishes,

John (Can't remember why I have called myself Alfie 1960 !! )

  • (Member)
John or Alfie 1960 is that after the film?

If you are using meet and greet parking at LGW I use two and can recommend either of them.

Tudor Rose 01293 822844

Or Maple Manor 03333222333

I normally go online and key in dates and then select the cheapest, they both are fine to use.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy,

No, not after the film.I used Alfie 1960 years ago as a name to use on eBay. I had a dog named Alfie at the time, but can't really remember where 1960 came from !!

Many thanks for your meet and greet recommendations.

Are you coming on the Bordeaux holiday?

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
'alfie1960' wrote:

Hi Cindy,

No, not after the film.I used Alfie 1960 years ago as a name to use on eBay. I had a dog named Alfie at the time, but can't really remember where 1960 came from !!

Many thanks for your meet and greet recommendations.

Are you coming on the Bordeaux holiday?

Best wishes,



No sorry I am not on this tour but I shall be very interest in a reveiw if you or someone can post one on your return.

I have done 11 fantastic tours with JY and enjoyed them all...have fun and eat and drink and be merry...


  • (Member)
Hi John

Welcome to Just You and I sincerely hope that you have a fantastic time on your first trip. From what I gather this is a fantastic holiday.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks, Jaya.

Best wishes,


quote='Jaya' pid='281308' dateline='1449070220']

Hi John

Welcome to Just You and I sincerely hope that you have a fantastic time on your first trip. From what I gather this is a fantastic holiday.


Hi John and Rae

I have just booked and am looking forward to enjoying this holiday with you. I will be staying at the Premier Inn N Terminal on [/size]Sunday


  • (Member)
'Paul_W' wrote:

Hi John and Rae

I have just booked and am looking forward to enjoying this holiday with you. I will be staying at the Premier Inn N Terminal on [/size]Sunday


Hello Paul. It is good to be in touch with some of the group going on this holiday. Perhaps others will see this post and we can arrange to meet up for a meal or a drink on the 24th, depending on when we arrive at the hotel.


'Paul_W' wrote:

Hi John and Rae

I have just booked and am looking forward to enjoying this holiday with you. I will be staying at the Premier Inn N Terminal on [/size]Sunday


Hi Paul, I'm on this trip too, to which I very much look forward. I'm sure you're aware but a gentle reminder that our flight departs from the South Terminal. No worries, the shuttle train runs all night long though.