  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just wondered if anyone else had done the Canada and New England in the Fall tour. I really want to do this tour but I'm not the best traveller in terms of travel sickness. Looking at the itinerary there seems to be full days where you’re just on the bus travelling to the next point.

I understand it’s a touring holiday and covers a vast amount of distance so therefore you need to travel. I just wondered how many hours at a time you are on the bus and if it’s straight roads / motorway most of the way or if there are lots of winding roads. I've done 3 short haul trips with JY before where there are a few trips, but the most your on the bus is about an hour and a half.

It would be good to know what the hotels were like and what people do for dinner as only breakfast seems to be included. What are the optional excursions like and what date do you recommend for the best fall colours.

Thanks for your help.


  • (Member)
Hello Jenny

I am not on this tour but I did Bost New Eng and New York as my 1st JY tour, so might be slightly different to yours. I went in Sept to see the fall, it was changing as we were there but not in full colors by any means, it does depend on the weather through out the year when the fall occurs. I had a great time with what I saw on this tour. My tour was a fair amount of moving onto the next hotel etc and seeing things on the way .. My hotels varied from basic motel to very grand. Break fast is normally jncluded on the USA tours and perhaps the odd meal, but otherwise you sort out main meal yourself under the guidance sometimes of the JY manager, don't go wondering off to far on your own.. Usually it works out little groups go here and there one night you might join in with the burger people, another night posh nosh it works really well. Hope you have a great time


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for your reply, I'm going to book it soon.


  • (Member)
Hi Jenny, I haven't done this tour but I have done a few JY long haul including the Golden West and these tours have included some long days on the coach. However, the bus always stops every couple of hours for a "comfort stop" and often there is something of interest to see as well - a craft shop or something and the stop is a reasonable length usually 20-40 minutes, which helps to break up the journey. Hope this helps!
