  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi is anyone going to New Zealand soon or has been that can give me a few tips i.e. on type of currency to take and also help in planning my wardrobe. The holiday is looming and I am now getting slightly nervous - well a lot actually.


Marion Sweet
Hi Ann

I'm going to NZ next month. I'll be taking a few NZ dollars and hitting the cash machines out there with my debit card. As far as wardrobe is concerned, I'd love to have some tips too; so if you get any, please pass them on to me.


  • (Member)
Hi Ann,

There is little problem finding places to change money on this tour. Travellers cheques (sterling or dollars) are very secure, and a bit of cash too. Probably the hardest place to change money is the US, so for these 3 days you'll need some dollars cash plus a credit card or dollar travellers cheques.

The weather should be fairly warm throughout, but you won't regret bringing a waterproof jacket (New Zealand gets a lot of rain) and maybe a jumper / cardy. Dress is pretty informal everywhere we go, but it's nice to have something smart for the odd night out.

The trip is fabulous - be prepared for a few long days on the coach as we really do pack a lot in, and don't forget your camera!

See you at Heathrow next week, Judy (tour manager)

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Marion

Thans for message. Now that I have received your message and advcie from Judy I feel more confident. I will certainly pass on any more tips when I return. It sound as if this will be a very active holiday. Looking forward to it now.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Judy

Thanks for your advice. I am looking forward to holiday now and feel more confident about going. Look fiorward to seeing you next week.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi marion

I am not sure if you have now gone on holiday to New Zealand. If not please let me know.


My name is Jenny Day I have booked the trip to new Zealand los angeles &Hong Kong I am going 11-10-07 anyone out there going on this trip ??

I am 62 years old very young its a life long ambition for me to go there so I am looking forward to going .

Hi Jenny and Marion

I am also going on the New Zealand Los Angeles Hong Kong trip in November. 2007 I have just receached my 70's and this is my present to myself. Never having gone on holiday on my own , I am quite nervous, but hope to enjoy it

Hi Marion Mary

I was so pleased to hear abount some one else who is going I am going to stay the night before as I have to come up from Devon I am so excited it would be good to E mail each other but I am not sure how we do that on message board .


myrtle bailey
HI jenny

My name is Myrtle Bailey aged 62 !

I am going on the trip 11/10/07 and would love to correspond with you and anyone else who is going at that time,

I really need some tips on how to plan my wardrobe !

Hi Myrtle

Good to hear from you as its spring , summer I have been told to take a warm jacket and raincoat good walking shoes confortable clothes

for me its a trip of a life time and I am really looking forward to it a bit nervous as I expect we all are I am sure we will have a great time look forward to meeting you I am staying overnight in the confort inn as its a long trip .

Jenny Day

myrtle bailey
Hi Jenny & Marion

Looking forward to the trip Getting clothes together but mostly jeans ,trousers tops & one or two smart things for evening.

I .m going straight to airport so will meet you all there Money I haven't sorted out but could do with some tips !!

Perhaps someone has some ideas please?


Hi Myrtle

I am taking some los angeles dollers

some New zealand dollers and my card

look forward to meeting you .
