  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi - I've just taken the plunge and booked Australia & NZ in Sept - this will be my first single holiday following a divorce & redundancy - I THINK I'm looking forward to it!

Is there anyone else out there going at the same time - or does anyone have any tips about getting 28 days worth of clothes etc into one suitcase???

would love to hear from you


  • (Member)
Hi Carol

I am also going on the Australia and new Zealand trip in September.This will be my 8th Just you trip ,so no worries the natives are friendly!!!! You will make loads of new friends and stay in touch with them. I have a very dear friend who lives as far north as you can go in scotland and i live near heathrow but we are always in phone contact. I was a flight attendant all my life so am used to packing, everyone takes far too much, pack in the new airtight bags, make sure skirt or trousers go with loads of tops , its a holiday not a fashion parade. Looking forward to seeing you in september.

Gilly McRobbie

Hi Carol

I am also doing the Australia trip in September,(Australia 23 Sep on message board) unfortunately I cant afford the time off work to add on NZ. I too will have trouble packing everything in (Guys do take too much too !!) so guess I will be doing a bit of washing while we are away ! Am really looking forward to it. As Gillian says you will have a great time and remember everyone will be there on their own so lots of new friends to make. I too have made a close friend from a couple of years ago and we are always chatting or visiting each other even though we are 150 miles apart.

Look forward to meeting everyon in September, it's really not that far away now
