  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi,anyone going on ther fist just you hol to moselle or going to mosselle or have been and have any tips for a newbe.
  • (Member)
I am thinking about it, still not sury, a typical man, lol
  • (Member)
that should be sure, a typo error
I went on this trip last year - my first time with Just You, and I had a brilliant time!

I am not fit by any means but managed the wine trail walk with no problem thanks to a helpful guide who kept stopping (walk just behind him and you get the rest breaks)

The only thing was time, there is so much fitted in to such a short time you dont get much time to do your own thing and seem to be on the coach for the trip back before you're ready!

We had rain for a day and night (the day of the river cruise so we were confined inside the boat) but it still didn't stop us enjoying ourselves.

We had a mixed age group, mostly women, and all got on really well.

I hope you enjoy it too. This year I am going to do the Italian Cities in May and also South Africa (with my Dad) in September, both with JY.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi johnk, have you bitten the bullet and booked?!have you been on any other hols with just you? im looking at the north america one, really want to see las vegas, i haven't a gambling problem tho!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks lesleydh,will take my rain coat just in case!i'm looking forward to going your ino was realy helpfull.
  • (Member)
Have just booked this trip with jy which will be my first trip with them,am 44 years old and on the shy quiet side,anyone else on the 2nd of june trip.
