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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just booked my first JY holiday and am very nervous but also excited. Would be glad to hear from anyone else whose going on this trip.


  • (Member)
Hi Annette, I am going on the same trip. Ive booked the meet and greet night just to get some inroductions before we fly off. Really looking forward to this trip. First time travelling on my own.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Pleased to hear from you. I've booked the pre holiday get together as well, flying from Heathrow. Looking forward to meeting you and some of the other travellers before we set off. I'm sure we'll have a great time.
  • (Member)
Hi Annette & Tori

I've just booked - and like you - this is my first singles holiday. I've been to the East Coast, Canada, New Orleans and Alaska, but never the West Coast, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately I can't get to the pre-holiday get together (it's my birthday) so I'll have to play catch-up.

Roll on September!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Greg, glad to hear from a fellow traveller. It's my first time to the west coast also and I'm sure it will be great. See you on the 14th.

I can't wait.


  • (Member)
Hi my name is sue I'm going on the west coast of America holiday It's my 1st time I will be flying from Manchester and will be meeting the rest of the group in the USA so I'm a little bit nervy as everyone will have already met
  • (Member)
hi sue,

why dont you ask the editor if anyone is flying from manchester for this trip. You might find you are not on your own.


  • (Member)
Hi Tori that's good idea I will give them a call are you on this trip? have you been on any others if so how did you find them Sue
  • (Member)
Hi Sue, this is my first trip and I just cant wait. Going to book a seperate alcatraz tour. Our tour finishes at around 11.30am. So hoping to book it for around 12.30.
  • (Member)
Hi Tori i can't wait either how do you go about booking extra tours i would like to book some myself
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue,

Thisis my first single holiday too and I'm really looking forward to it although a bit nervous.

Tori, I'd also like to do the Alcatraz trip, could you let me know who you book it with please.

Thanks, Annette

hello my name is ian and am booked on my first ever holiday by myself in fact it will be the first time ive flown be glad to here from anyone with advice for me
  • (Member)
Hi Annette

Hope you got sorted for alcatraz.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Tori,

Not booked Alcatraz yet. Looks like others may want to go also. Can you let us know who you booked with and the date and time then perhaps those that want to can also book and we can go as a group ? This is all a bit new to me so I'll be grateful for any advice/help. Don't want to end up on a different trip to everyone else - that would be just my luck. Thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Annette I spoke to someone from just you and they said all the info for the extra excursions will be sent out around the 20th of this month I would also like to do Alcatraz any ideas on what to wear at night in Vegas I feel like I'd like to dress up a bit a but not sure what people wear there Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Tori spoke to the rep and you were right she said there are others flying from Manchester
  • (Member)
Hi I'm Sue I am flying from Manchester on the 14th Sept Americas west coast anyone else flying from there would love to hear from you
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue, probably best to wait for the details on extra excursions before we do anything about Alcatraz as I would like to see it. As for Vegas, like you I feel I'd like to dress up a bit and have a night on the town if poss. I would aso like to go and see a show, so probably a good excuse to dress up. For the rest of the holiday I'm just going casual as the Americans are very informal I believe.

I'm flying from Heathrow so look forward to meeting you in San Francisco. It won't be long now.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ian, There are a few of uf who are going on our first solo holiday and dont worry about the flying it's a doddle. Are you flying from Heathrow and are you going to the pre holiday get together?
  • (Member)
hi sue

I asked the editor for info on alcatraz as it is not included with xtra exursions. If you need to read his reply, go to editor section and look for americas golden west. He more or less told me after noon we would be free to go on alcatraz excursion. ://

Hope that helps. Let me know the time u wish to gox