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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
Hi Bob

Are you trying to put me off this trip?! Not sure how I am going to cope with 40C temperature and the humidity. What a shame this trip could not take place later this year when it is Spring time in Australia. The itinerary is fantastic so putting up with high temperatures and humidity is a small price to pay. Hopefully Just You will run this same extended itinerary in the near future, but at the time when the temperatures will be lower. Actually, one can never tell with the weather as it keeps changing and I am keeping everything crossed that next year there will be a slight change in weather and the temperatures will be lower - I can hope, can't I?

Best wishes


Hi Jaya, 

Yes you are pretty much going at the hottest time of the year - I expect it would be around 40C in Alice Springs and similar in Darwin and Cairns, with very high humidity there too!  Bring a fan....



PS I am very jealous as I'd love to do this tour!

Hi John

Look forward to seeing you. People have been telling me that it is going to be very hot at the time we are there. Hope it is not too humid.



Well 10 now!

I've just booked.

Second trip with JY, first was to Ireland, and second time for me to Australia, I last went 2005. I'll be flying from Manchester.

Thanks Julia and Dave. It is still a long way away so will remain positive. Am already counting the days!



Hi Jaya

This sounds very promising and its still early days on this one yet, i'm sure you'll be fine



Hi Jaya,

I've just been chatting to a colleague about this departure and they have said they are happy with the numbers that have currently booked, especially as it hasn't really been given too much exposure. They are in the process of giving 2017 departures a green light at the moment, but she mentioned that she's confident this will go ahead as planned.

Kindest regards,


Hi Mildred

Am surprised that only 9 have booked for this trip. I hope it goes ahead as I am really looking forward to it and will be very disappointed if it does not go ahead.



Good Morning Mark75,

Yes there are currently 9 travellers booked on this trip.

Kind Regards,


Hi can you tell me if any one as booked this trip for the 8th of Jan and how many as booked for this trip?.