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Just to reassure you,  I did the cruise in the opposite directin in June last year.  use a basic pay and go phone, and was never without a signal. It's a great trip hope you have as good a time as I did
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Ann,

I have just popped you a quick email with the relevant information.

Kindest regards,


Many thanks, Julia.   Message received and the information cached away for my holiday.   Less than a fortnight to go now!


Hi Ann,

I have just popped you a quick email with the relevant information.

Kindest regards,


In the final documentation I received recently it just gives the address of the ship as MS L'Europe, Austria, with no contact telephone number.   Looking through the CroisiEurope website it says that a contact telephone number for the ship will be given [to you] with confirmation of the booking.   I hope I would never need to be contacted in an emergency while away on holiday but find it reassuring to be able to leave a phone number at home in case of need, especially as my mobile phone is only a basic one without internet access.   Would it be possible for someone at JY to obtain the relevant number (for me and the others going on this holiday) or do you expect us only to leave JY's emergency number with our folks at home?

Many thanks, Ann