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Hi David,

I'm going on the same tour in March too. I've been wondering the same thing, especially as mosquitoes are usually queueing up waiting for me to get off the plane! I get bitten to death.

Hi David, I did the Chile, Argentina and Brazil tour in Sept 2012 and didn't see a single mozzie, not even at the Iguazu Falls! However you'd be advised to take DEET with you and check with your tour manager as to whether you should apply it or not. As far as I can see the only real threat to people from the Zika virus is for pregnant women; otherwise it appears to be a mild virus with many people not even being aware they have it. I travelled to Costa Rica and Nicaragua in March 2014 and experienced no problems there either. The media love to whip up a storm about these things!

Best wishes,


Hi David,

There has been a lot of widespread media coverage regarding the Zika virus outbreak. The mosquito-bourne infection is particularly prevalent in Central, South America and the Caribbean. We understand that you are concerned, but we are monitoring the FCO advice closely and will advise of any changes to our tours.

You may have already received a letter from us in the time it took for my response and should you have any queries about this situation, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Services Team.

Kindest regards,


I am due to go on the Chile, Argentina and Brazil tour in March. However, I am becoming increasingly concerned about the mosquito-borne diseases which seem to be reaching epidemic proportions. Not only affecting pregnant women, but other diseases which can be very serious for everyone. What is JY's position?