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Hello tml

Unfortunately not everyone wants to use the JY Community website. I persuaded someone to register but they still don't use it, not even when they want to know something about their own holiday. They wonder who their TM will be and how many will be in the group, and when I say "ask" the reply I get is "I can't be bothered, I don't go on the website".

I guess you are either into community forums or you are not, lets face it, you can't miss page 12 about the community in the current brochure.

As the saying goes "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"

Have a great holiday



Cindy and Julia are both correct in that not all Just You travellers use the forum. I too try and promote it to my fellow travellers whilst on Just You holidays.

Have a great holiday.


hello TML

As Julia says don't worry, I have been on many holidays where people have never heard of this forum, I always promote it at every opportunity, JULIA has put the numbers up and that's a nice group size not to many people to get to know, Have a great time and don't forget to write a review when you get back.

have FUN!


Hi tml,

I can see that the posts are live so you certainly aren't doing anything wrong. It is possible that your fellow travellers aren't using the Just You Community - sadly not all travellers use this (but I'm working on getting the word out there more).

I can tell you that there are now 20 of you currently booked on this tour with just 5 places remaining.

Kindest regards,


tml 9 years ago
Hi Julia, I don't understand all this about a new website! Don't understand this one! I have posted enquiries regarding my holiday in June but haven't had any responses, sure I'm doing something wrong, I'm new to computers so I'm probably getting it all wrong! My holiday is 24th June, going to Pompeii, Naples, sorry I've gone on! Best wishes. tml