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Hi Karen,

There are 5 men and 13 women booked at the moment with ages from early-40s through to early 80s.

There is still a bit of time before you depart so please feel free to ask again before you depart.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

That's great news. Could you let me know the age range and m/f ratio please.

Many thanks.


Hi Karen,

I can confirm that the 31st May departure has been given the green light to operate. There are currently 18 of you booked to travel.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Has this trip got the green light yet please?

Many thanks.


Thanks Julia.

I'll remind you again next week.



Hi Karen,

It doesn't have a green tick in the reservations system just yet. I am however aware that it was reviewed earlier today and provisionally been given the green light. If you want to give me a nudge early next week I should be able to give you the official thumbs up.

The team are just finalising all of the details for the optional excursions on this trip and should be ready in the next couple of weeks.

Kindest regards,


HI Julia

Any further news on whether this tour is going ahead please? It's getting to the time when the balance has to be paid and I'd really like to know if its definite before paying it.

Also do you have any further information on the optional excursions please. i..e cost and whether they can be booked whilst on the tour.

Many thanks.


Hi Karen,

I too will keep my fingers crossed!

We aim to make decisions at the latest about 12 weeks before departure but give me a nudge every so often and I will happily give you an update on the numbers.

Kindest regards,


Thank you Julia

I'll keep fingers crossed then that it goes ahead. Do you know when we will know for definite?

Many thanks.


Hi Karen,

It hasn't been given the green light in the system just yet but the team are hopeful about this date as there are now 13 travellers booked.

I know this is a little vague but to explain further, this is a new tour for 2015 so where we would be able to refer to historic information about minimum numbers and when people are likely to book we simply don't have this data for this particular tour. There is a lot of number crunching going on at the moment, but like I mentioned - the team are feeling quite positive at the moment.

Kindest regards
