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Great, thanks Julia.
Hi Sarah,

That's great news!

Gill should come back to you directly, I will track her down today to make sure she has received your message.

She should also be able to discuss the options for transfer from the airport to the hotel (either by phone or by email)

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Thanks, I did hear from Gill, and told him I'd like to sign up for the Oxford trip. Should I wait to hear back from him, or call JY. Gill gave me info about the trip, and I'd also like to get any tips you have on UK transfers.

Thanks very much.


Hi Susan,

Sorry for the delay on this - I have chased the team that this was passed on to and I have been informed that my colleague, Gill, has dropped you an email with details of the holiday. Please let me know if this still has not been received.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

I haven't heard back from the advisor re the oxford trip, and I don't see your follow up forum entry that I initially saw. (I'm new to these forums.) Can someone email me. I'd like to decide on a holiday while the flights costs are lower, and I have questions on travel from the airport.

Thanks very much.



*Edited to remove email address.

Hi Susan,

Consider it done. Please let us know how you get on, and whether or not you will be joining one of our groups over the festive period.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Yes, can you pass on my request to an advisor.



Hi Susan,

The Oxford trip is popular every year. Our other breaks in the UK include London, Liverpool, Yorkshire, Edinburgh and others.

Would you like me to pass on the email address you joined the community with to one of our holiday advisors who can contact you directly about a potential festive holiday with Just You?

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Thanks for your reply. I think I'd like a simpler trip than Marrakech for Christmas, although that's an attractive city.

I'd like to join a UK or New York trip, if you have a US Christmas event. I've never been to the UK, so can you suggest one of those trips. It seems the Oxford tour is popular, but I'm also interested in other towns, or London. I wanted the travel to be minimal.

Thanks very much.


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Susan,

Do you have any particular destination in mind? We have a selection of festive breaks in the UK as well as other European destinations or perhaps Marrakech if you are after city that bursts with exotic sights, sounds and aromas.

If you can let me know, I can put you in touch with one of our holiday advisors who can discuss the various options available to you when flying from the U.S.

Just You isn't well known Stateside at the moment, so we've had a few travellers join our trips in the past but not many.

Kindest regards,


Hi Susan,

Do you have any particular destination in mind? We have a selection of festive breaks in the UK as well as other European destinations or perhaps Marrakech if you are after city that bursts with exotic sights, sounds and aromas.

If you can let me know, I can put you in touch with one of our holiday advisors who can discuss the various options available to you when flying from the U.S.

Just You isn't well known Stateside at the moment, so we've had a few travellers join our trips in the past but not many.

Kindest regards,
