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Hi Anne,

The numbers needed to operate a particular tour vary on trip to trip and date to date. There are a few dates for this tour and I understand at this stage, the tour manager will be flying out with you, but not returning with the group.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thanks for getting back to me. That's a very small group! I didn't think JY ran groups under 15. I notice there are several departures very close together. Will the Tour Manager be travelling with us or meet us over there?

Kind regards


Hi Anne,

The Tour Manager for this trip is currently listed as Edward Rawlinson and there will be 11 of you travelling on this date. On this tour, the use of an executive lounge is not included in the price of the holiday.

I hope you have a wonderful trip.

Kindest regards,



I am going on this trip and wondered who the Tour Manager was and how many people were on the trip? Also, is there no use of a lounge any more at the airport?
