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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
Ben 12 years ago
Good morning Steve,

Norwich is now fully booked with 36. The split remains around the same, I hope this helps,

Have a super Christmas,



'Ben' wrote:

Good morning Steve,

I believe there has been some places added to this Christmas break as it was proving popular! To date there are 29 fellow travellers, with ages ranging from 47 to 80. The male to female split is near enough 50/50 to date. Your Tour Manager is a lovely lady called Lesley Evans-Worthing, you will be sure to have a great time while away.

I hope this helps,



Hi Ben

Any chance of a final update on numbers etc.,


Ben 12 years ago
Good morning Steve,

I believe there has been some places added to this Christmas break as it was proving popular! To date there are 29 fellow travellers, with ages ranging from 47 to 80. The male to female split is near enough 50/50 to date. Your Tour Manager is a lovely lady called Lesley Evans-Worthing, you will be sure to have a great time while away.

I hope this helps,



Hi Ben

I am booked on this festive break, but confused because a few days ago it said there were only 2 place left. Now it is showing as available!!

How many of us have booked so far and what is the male/female ratio?

Is there anyone else travelling from Hampshire?
