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'sylvieJ' wrote:

Hi - have just booked my first JY holiday to Kusadasi in September - so feeling nervous and excited at same time - can see from an earlier post that around 33 people had booked and just wondered if this had changed/what mix is ?

Any other fellow travellors to Kusadasi - would love to hear from you ! :)

Hi sylvie, I'm also going to kusadasi in September. I've been on several Just You and Travelsphere holidays but this is my first all inclusive.

Ben 12 years ago
Hi Sylvie,

Apologies for the delayed reply, I had to email our representatives out there, please see response below,

There is no difference between Turkish Lira or Euros, both are well accepted in Turkey. Sometimes and some shops do prefer Euro, but as I said there is no problem, if they pay in Lira.

Only regarding UK £, I would like to mention, that the clients should not change UK Sterling into Turkish Lira in England. They definitely lose Money. If they change currency in Turkey they will get a better exchange rate. Some of the tour managers mentioned this to me.

I hope this helps,



'sylvieJ' wrote:

Hi - have just booked my first JY holiday to Kusadasi in September - so feeling nervous and excited at same time - can see from an earlier post that around 33 people had booked and just wondered if this had changed/what mix is ?

Any other fellow travellors to Kusadasi - would love to hear from you ! :)

Hello Sylvie

I am off to Kusadasi too in September. Is this your first voyage with JY? This will be my third. My first was the Pyramidsand Nile Cruise in 2007 and Northern Cyprus in 2008. Both trips I enjoyed. I am very much looking forward to visiting Turkey especially Ephesus. See you there. Regards Mel.

thanks so much for your prompt reply Ben - sounds like a good group. One further question, ive seen from a previous posting that Euro's are better accepted in this area than Turkish Lira - what are your thoughts ?
Ben 12 years ago
Good morning,

Thanks for your email 🙂

There are now 35 customers booked on your tour, with just 4 places available now, with there being an even mix of male and female.

Hope this helps,



Hi - have just booked my first JY holiday to Kusadasi in September - so feeling nervous and excited at same time - can see from an earlier post that around 33 people had booked and just wondered if this had changed/what mix is ?

Any other fellow travellors to Kusadasi - would love to hear from you ! 🙂