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My friend Liz and I have just booked to do Route 66 on Septemeber 3rd.

I'm sure we'll be able to arrange to meet up somewhere.

'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Hi Paul,

I hadn't realised we were going from Terminal 5 - too chuffed to be going at all. I go on 3rd September - can't wait.

When I flew from Stansted recently I went into Frankie & Bennys (for a Full English before I flew out) so this might be a possible meeting place if they have one at Terminal 5. They play the right type of music too (vintage) so it would be appropriate to kick off such an amazing trip here.

Just a thought - although I am not too sure if F&Bs would be ready for a gang of JY folk ready to embark on such a trip. We could be dancing in the aisles - or is that just me then?

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

PS: have just watched the last episode of Billy Connolly's Route 66 TV programme - Oh, just Oh........bring it on!!!

Hello Lesley

I will let you know how I get on in China and when I am on the Great Wall I shall ask the guide if This the way to Amarrillo!!

Have fun


Hi Peter,

You are forgiven for passing up my offer to join us.

China - what a cracking place - I was there in March. You will have such a great time, believe me. Fast pace but so much to see and do - you won't catch your breath. The Great Wall is amazing.

No, don't toast me with a Harvey Wallbanger - try the Chinese beer - scrumptious!

Have a great holiday - I know it's a long time to wait but it will be worth it. Perhaps you might fancy Route 66 at a later date. Don't forget to let me know what you think about China. We can compare notes.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Hi Cindy.

Yes very excited about doing Route 66 - can't believe it is finally going to happen. It would be good to do it on a motorbike (especially a Harley) like Billy but that has not dampened my enthusiasm. I have a couple more holidays before then - Prague & Peru (another place I have always wanted to go) - but this has always been a dream of mine. It seems I am not alone - this really has taken off. There does seem to be a lot of interest already. Perhaps this is down to Billy's TV programme but I know one thing - it has made me even more glad I am going! Oh Yes!

Okay Peter, no Frankie & Bennys (yet) at Terminal 5. Looks like we may have to improvise then. Wetherspoons sounds good to me. Don't know how big the group will be but we can certainly get something sorted. Are you not tempted to join us?

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Hi Cindy.

Yes very excited about doing Route 66 - can't believe it is finally going to happen. It would be good to do it on a motorbike (especially a Harley) like Billy but that has not dampened my enthusiasm. I have a couple more holidays before then - Prague & Peru (another place I have always wanted to go) - but this has always been a dream of mine. It seems I am not alone - this really has taken off. There does seem to be a lot of interest already. Perhaps this is down to Billy's TV programme but I know one thing - it has made me even more glad I am going! Oh Yes!

Okay Peter, no Frankie & Bennys (yet) at Terminal 5. Looks like we may have to improvise then. Wetherspoons sounds good to me. Don't know how big the group will be but we can certainly get something sorted. Are you not tempted to join us?

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Hello Lesley

Sorry I cannot join you. I will be on the other side of the world in China. However when I am on the Great Wall I will think of you and toast you with a Harvey Wallbanger.

No need to wish you a happy holiday, I know you will. Olly wouldn't hear the end of it, if you didn't.

Best wishes


Hi Cindy.

Yes very excited about doing Route 66 - can't believe it is finally going to happen. It would be good to do it on a motorbike (especially a Harley) like Billy but that has not dampened my enthusiasm. I have a couple more holidays before then - Prague & Peru (another place I have always wanted to go) - but this has always been a dream of mine. It seems I am not alone - this really has taken off. There does seem to be a lot of interest already. Perhaps this is down to Billy's TV programme but I know one thing - it has made me even more glad I am going! Oh Yes!

Okay Peter, no Frankie & Bennys (yet) at Terminal 5. Looks like we may have to improvise then. Wetherspoons sounds good to me. Don't know how big the group will be but we can certainly get something sorted. Are you not tempted to join us?

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Thanks Lesley, Cindy and Peter

I'm sure we will find somewhere to meet up. As for Lesley being excited, I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas and there is just under a year to go. God know what I'm going to be lime nearer the time. I'm losing friends at work like mad as they are all jealous of me for going on this trip. I winded what they will be like when I show them all the pictures when I get back. Lol


Hi Paul/LovelyLesley1

Sorry to disappoint you but at the moment Frankie&Bennys are not in Terminal 5. There is a Wetherspoons and they do a good breakfast and if you want to look at the runways and watch all the planes landing/taking off I would suggest Gordon Ramsays Plane Food. Pricey food but great views.

Enjoy your trips



I think your one very excited lady to be doing YOUR route 66 trip.....I hope you have fun.. I watched all of Billy's route 66 tv series was very interesting, would be nice to do the trip on a motorbike like that.!!!!!!


Hi Paul,

I hadn't realised we were going from Terminal 5 - too chuffed to be going at all. I go on 3rd September - can't wait.

When I flew from Stansted recently I went into Frankie & Bennys (for a Full English before I flew out) so this might be a possible meeting place if they have one at Terminal 5. They play the right type of music too (vintage) so it would be appropriate to kick off such an amazing trip here.

Just a thought - although I am not too sure if F&Bs would be ready for a gang of JY folk ready to embark on such a trip. We could be dancing in the aisles - or is that just me then?

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

PS: have just watched the last episode of Billy Connolly's Route 66 TV programme - Oh, just Oh........bring it on!!!