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Hi Em and Glo

I was also interested in this and tried to get some answers but came up against a brick wall. So gave up. I just hope we do have the option of upgrading when we get there, but i am not banking on it. I rung up a few times but the girls there didnt know anything. Guess communication is not very good! and perhaps this needs to be sorted for future holidays

I am sure we will all have a fantastic time any way. Looking forward to meeting you

Weather is not looking to bad out there at the moment its running between 24 and 28 so hope it stays like that


Hi Em

I'm sorry you weren't able to book the upgrade for this excursion. I have been in touch with my colleagues about the confusion and have been told the upgrade was cancelled owing to lack of demand. I'm assured that you will still have a fantastic experience at the rodeo.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Ems 12 years ago
Hi Glo / Olly,

When I enquired about the upgrade a couple months ago I was told to phone back 2 weeks before the holiday. When I did this I was told I couldn't upgrade.

Considering it says on the rodeo website that upgrades need a minimum of 20 people and 2 days notice we should all have had the option before hand to be put on a list as even telling the tour guide, as Olly mentioned, when we meet at the airport will be too late.

Perhaps Olly can advise the sales staff that as upgrades need to be booked before flying this can be put in with the itinerary details so future tours can book in time.

Unless all of the travellers for 6th October are informed of this now it would appear that none of us will be upgrading. Upgrade or not I am sure we will all enjoy the dinner and rodeo. See you in a weeks time Glo :)


Hello Glo

It's true that this upgrade is no longer available to pre-book as there wasn't enough demand, even though a few people did express interest on the Community. If our holiday advisors have said the upgrade can be booked in resort, I'm sure they are right.

The best thing to do is talk to your tour manager when your holiday starts - they will be able to advise.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

I would like to book the upgrade that everyone is talking about and phoned last week to book it. Carly booked this and the others and took payment. Today I received the new paperwork with a refund of £33 which was the upgrade fee.

I called today and was told that the upgrade was not available!!! but I could book it in resort. However I thought that you said the sales staff were keeping a list of people who want to go and when this reached 10 it would be OK. You must have reached that figure by now as many people seem to be asking.

Also on another thread, someone who went in April was told when she got there that she could not book this as it was too late. (It is only the 2nd day in Texas).

Can you help? They may be alot of unhappy people if we find we cannot book when we get there.

Thanks for your help.:huh: