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I think people buy things all over the place on this trip. China is a great place for shopping and prices very good. Hopefully someone who has taken this trip can suggest the best places to shop.

As for leaving things at the hotel in Beijing... most hotels are happy to help with requests like this, especially if you are returning for another stay.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor


I'm going on the China trip, and if my money holds out I might want to buy loads of things!! but I see the internal flight has a lower limit than the external one, and also I see that we visit the Jade factory at Xian so I 'm wondering if I might buy most of my things there - so many questions! so really here are the questions

do you know if most people buy stuff in just one of the places usually more than the others;

is it possible to leave stuff in Beijing when we go to Xian - to leave room to buy things?

I'm probably fussing too much cos I usually travel quite light and don't buy much anyway but I'm so excited I feel like I will want to buy loads of presents and souvenirs!