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It does depend very much on where you want to go, as attitudes to smoking vary quite a bit around the world. California, for example, has very strict rules on where you can and can't smoke, whereas in countries such as Russia and China, smoking is still much more common and people are generally free to smoke in bars and restaurants.

However, wherever you go, you will find somewhere to smoke, even if you have to pop outside the building. Obviously, in warmer countries this won't be so bad.

You might like to have a look at this website, which gives more detail on smoking bans around the world. 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

I am a smoker. I do realise that this is frowned upon and understand why. I do respect other peoples wishes and always have (if you can comprehend I would never offend anyone) Again I understand the anti-smoking laws etc) When I go on holiday I have been able to smoke in hotels, cruise cabins and cafes with smoking areas. My question is would I be permitted to smoke in smoking areas on a just you holiday. I would really appreciate an answer to my query asap before I think about booking a holiday with just you. look forward to hearing from you. thanks Ms Margaret O'Hgan