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HI Olley

I'm sure you can understand where i am coming from on this subject. Thank you for your explanation and hopefully this will answer any other traveller with the same thoughts as myself.

Thank you once again


Hi Sharon

I understand why you might think that, because for some destinations the prices for a single traveller can be similar, but there are lots of other factors at work in determining the final price.

We are able to negotiate better room rates for single travellers because of our size, so generally speaking the room will cost less.

Other factors include the number of meals and excursions that are included in the price. On the whole, you'll probably find that more is included in the basic price of a Just You holiday.

Of course the biggest advantage of travelling with Just You is that you will be with other single travellers, whereas on a Travelsphere holiday the majority of your fellow travellers will be couples.

It is a complicated subject but I hope this explanation is helpful.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi olley

i am confused over the no supplement comment with Just you. On recieving 2 mags one for couples and one for Just You i found that the south African explorer is exactly the same trip but the price per person is quite a marked difference,. Surely this difference

would be the supplement if charged seperatetly for it. I accept that a supplement must be charged if you travel alone, but your statement of No Supplement,well surely this is lost in the overall price. Thank You


Hi Bardi

Just You does already offer a few coach holidays. A couple that spring to mind are Walking in the Ahr Valley (Germany) and Chateau Weekend & Monet's Garden (France). As always with Just You, you won't pay a single supplement on either of these tours. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

As a single traveller i have had the mosy enjoyable holidays with Just You, I would like to do a coach holiday next year but find that if i go with Travelsphere i have to pay a single room supplement, is there any chance of Just You doing coach holidays so us single Travellers dont end up paying £90 plus on top of the cost of a holiday?