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Hi Michael, I'd be surprised if you get a reply to this message as it was posted three years ago, but I could be wrong! I was on this tour last year and had a wonderful time and the Grand Canyon was the icing on the cake! Make sure you do the three-in-one option - helicopter, boat ride and bus tour to get different perspectives on the canyon. And as Val said, use your credit card for safety's sake!

Best wishes,


PS if you google it, you will find hundreds of great views of the canyon, to give you an idea but nothing beats actually seeing it at first hand!


If you had a nice time at the Grand Canyon and would like to share your story and photos with others we will featured it on  . Please let me know with a PM. Thanks

Hi Val

I'm very sorry to hear your bank debited your card twice.

Unfortunately this is the kind of thing that can occasionally happen when cards are used. In my experience, I wouldn't say that debit cards are any more or less risky than credit cards.

And there isn't really anything any of us can do to avoid such mistakes happening, other than to never use debit or credit cards, but that isn't really an option nowadays.

However, I'm sure you will be refunded by your bank in this situation, as it sounds like an obvious mistake.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

I went on your October tour Golden West whilst there went to Grand Canyon, paid with Debit card and when home realised that they had charged me twice, informed my bank who are trying to get my 300 dollars back. Really think you should warn others not to pay with debit card as it seems all those who paid with credit card had no problems.

Val Hartley