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I have just received the final documentation for my holiday, but there are no tickets. When will I get them - or will the tour rep have them at the airport? Also, there is no mention of baggage allowance. How much is it for Tunisia? June

Hi again June,

There is no need to worry. At the moment there are 19 people booked on your holiday out of a possible 20. Sounds like you will be having great fun.

If there are any questions have about your holiday before you travel, please let me know. I will be happy to help.

Warm wishes,

Cheryl, your editor

Thanks for the info. Can you tell me how many people are going on this trip? I haven't seen any messages from anybody else, and am starting to wonder if it wasn't such a good idea after all.
Hi June,

Yes you can take Euros to Tunisia, they should except them in most places. This may be easier for you as cant exchange Tunisian currency outside of Tunisia. Tunisian law prohibits the export or import of Tunisian bank notes or coins.

My best suggestion to you is to bring the amount of money you want to have (in Euros or English pounds)and change it little by little when you are in Tunisia. Which ever way you go, keep only the necessary cash on you, and the rest in your hotel room.

I hope this all makes sense?? Let me know if you need any further information.

Kind regards,

Cheryl, your editor

Thanks for the advice, I have some Euros left from my last holiday, would it be O.K. to take those? June G
Hi June,

Not long now, I bet you are getting excited!

Tunisian currency is Dinar (TND) which is 1,000 millimes. It can only be obtained in Tunisia. The exchange rate is fixed and is approximately 2 dinars to £1 Sterling. Notes are in denominations of TND30, 20, 10 and 5. Coins are in denominations of TND1, and 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 millimes.

Currency Exchange

All banks change money, as do most hotels of three stars and above.

Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs

American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted. There are ATMs in every large town and tourist destination.

Traveller's Cheques

Readily cashed in banks and the usual authorized establishments; to avoid additional exchange rates, travelers are advised to bring traveller’s cheques in US Dollars.I hope this has helped. If you have any other questions about your holiday, please get in touch. If not, have a great time and dont forget to let us all know how you get on.(incl photos!)

Warm wishes,

Cheryl, your editor

Hi, I am going to Tunisia in September and wondered which currency I should take.Is it best to take Tunisian dinar, or I have read that it is better to take American dollars. June G