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Hi Sue,

I have asked my collegue to email your hotmail account. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Many thanks,

Cheryl, your editor

Hi Cheryl

Thanks for the update on rome, I think I will take some tape as you say.

Can you let me know whether you have now received my final instalment to my holiday as I haven't had an acknowledge of my b.s. cheque. Please reply to my hotmail account - which is



Hi Sue,

Yes, your hotel rooms will have the following facilities:

Air conditioning

Direct dial phone


Mini bar


However I have had feedback that the hairdyers in Rome are the small travel type hairdryers with the bottons that you have to hold down the whole time that you are drying your hair...very annoying. So this customer gave me a tip to take some tape or some plasters with you to stick over the button whilst you are drying your hair. I dont know if this would be a useful tip for you? I would certainly find it useful!!!

Hand luggage regulations at all airports are a bit more relaxed now, no weight restrictions however it still shouldnt be any bigger than a large handbag/shopping bag. You can not carry any liquids 100ml or over, including make up (so check your foundation) Unless its been bought at the duty free. Else they will take it off you and confiscate it! All make-up/liquids under 100ml have to be kept in a see-through bag, just in case they check. No sharps (obviously) such as razors, scissors, tweezers and no lighters or aerosols....I think thats it!Everything else needs to packed in your main luggage.

I hope this is everything you were after, If you need anymore information, please do not hesitate to ask. Happy shopping!!

Kind regards

Cheryl, your editor

Hi Cheryl, thanks very much with your comments, all very useful. Just one other thing, do the rooms have hairdryers, if not I shall take one? Also, do you know what the rules are now for hand luggage from Heathrow?

I think I will just love shopping in Rome but I think that its rather expensive there, but I am sure I can find something to buy that won't break the bank, although I will take my plastic with!


Hi Sue,On the days when dinner is not included, it is completely up to you what you do. You can either nip out by yourself and grab a quick bite or I am sure that your fellow travellers would love to arrange evenings out for dinner. Feedback from other holiday makers has been that it all falls into place when you get there!I have quite a few tips for Rome that have been given to me from past visitors....1.Pack light-The shopping in Rome is fantastic, so you will need to save some room for all of your purchases!2.When you are sighseeing around the city, try and wear comfortable shoes....heels are really not practical on those cobbled streets(which are almost everywhere) Rome is far too beautiful to see through a taxi window.3.Always remember your camera, even if you are just nipping out. There are amazing photo oportunities around every corner.4.Take a face cloth/flannel with you. Apparently none of the hotels have them.5.Some churches have Vatican dress codes, so when visiting them, make sure that you wear trousers or a skirt that is at least just past the knee. Also try and cover your shoulders with sleeves. Men need to wear trousers shorts. The rest of the city is fine for you to wear whatever you like though, so no need to panick.6.Take some wet wipes or pocket tissues with you whenever you leave the hotel. The public toilets can sometimes run out of toilet paper and it is always best to be prepared!7.Do not use the money changers in any of the tourist areas such as airports or train stations. These have sky high exchange rates so you are better off waiting and finding an ATM.Regarding currency, it is completely your decision. Some find it easier to do everything by card. When I go on holiday, whether it be in Europe or the USA, I always take cash to keep track of what I have spent. There are also travellers cheques which some find safer to carry around.I hope this information is what you were looking for. If you have any specific questions you would like me to answer, please let me know.Warm wishes,Cheryl, your editor
Hi Cheryl

Thanks for letting me know, 27 is a good number, I am really looking forward to going to Rome, I have always wanted to go and now the chance of going is happening. Just hope I can fill in all the places to see in such a short time. Any tips for Rome? What happens on the days when dinner is not included, do we all go to a restaurant together? Also, is it best to take euros in cash or tc's? Thanks for any help you can give me. Sue

Hello Sue,

I can tell you that 27 people are booked to go on this holiday. We do not manage the proportion of women to men on our holidays. As a result the ratio varies from tour to tour, but there are usually around 3 women to each man. However, this is only our general guideline. Hope this information is of use to you. Enjoy your holiday!

Best Wishes

Cheryl, Your Editor


Could you please tell me how many men and women are booked on this holiday, thanks
