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Hi All,

My name is Jim and i will be 47 when i leave for my holiday in Nov 08. Im off to the national parks and canyon's and will be staying at the hotel on the pre get together. Im flying out on 5th Nov is anyone else going and what sort of clothing is reqired at this time of year. Im very much looking forward to meeting new friends and an exciting holiday.

Hi Nicola.

Im also thinking of doing the same tour and will be 27 when I go. I live in Kent. What month are you thinking of going in?

Hi Christine

April, early May, September and October are very good times to travel as the temperatures are warm and sunny. November is cool but sunny.

Average temperatures are as follows:

Sep Oct Nov

°c26.0 °c19.6 °c10.1

°f78.8 °f67.3 °f50.2

Sunshine hours

The following are average sunshine hours for Beijing:

Sept Oct Nov

7 7 8


Dress is very casual throughout the whole tour. There is a lot of walking so pack some sturdy comfy shoes. I would suggest you take a lightweight jacket and then pack clothes you can layer which can be put on/off as necessary so if it does get cold you are covered.

Note: not all restaurants are well heated as in UK so in colder months it may be necessary to wear a jumper at mealtimes.

Hope this helps

Cheryl, your editor

P.S You will have a coat with you anyway you will need one for getting from home to the airport! Especially with the weather at the moment.

Hi Christine

Thank you for your message

As far as I can see there are no other clients traveling from Northern Ireland as yet, but there are other people on the tour that also have connecting flights.

From what I have read from previous letters from the Community people meet up in lots of different ways some at the pre holiday get-together others at the airport but they all meet up in the end usually in the airport lounge.

I receive many letters from people who are nervous about taking the plunge and going on their first JY holiday, but when they get back from their adventures the only regret they seem to have is that they didn’t do it sooner!

The China Tour for 2nd October is now nearly fully booked so there will definitely be lots of new people to meet up with, lets hope some of them will see this message and drop you a line….

If there is anything else you want to know just drop me a line

Take care for now

Cheryl, your editor

Hi ladies,

I will also be on this holiday and just wanted to say that I am 32 so you can add another early-30s girl to that list! - And happy birthday...!

Can't wait, it's going to be fantastic :oD



Hi Amanda

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply. Yes I am doing the Hawaii add-on, I was originally planning to just go to Hawaii for 2 weeks this year until I saw this holiday and couldn't resist the tour! I turn 30 in the middle of August but the holiday is really my birthday present to myself and I'm more than happy to keep celebrating *lol* Your birthday will definitely be a good excuse for a celebration while we're out there. Only a couple of months to go and balance has to be paid in the next week!

Kim :o)

Hi Kim

No unfortunately I am not doing the Hawaii "add on" - are you? I am also not doing the pre-dinner get together beforehand, my journey to Heathrow is only just over an hour so I thought I would spend that time packing, unpacking and repacking my suitcase lol!!!!

I think it will be fun to celebrate both our birthdays in style - do you turn 30 when we are out there?! I can't wait now - its less than three months to go.

Take Care

Amanda x

Hi Amanda - just saw your message :o)

I'll be travelling from Heathrow and am staying the night before in the airport hotel (doing the 'meeting people' dinner). I live in Somerset so will already have a couple of hours travel under my belt by then!

Am really excited too. It's good to 'meet' someone who's going, it's great to know I won't be the only lady in her early 30s on the trip. At least we get to celebrate your birthday in style, are you doing the Hawaii add-on???

Kim x

Hi Kim

I am also booked on this holiday in September, are you travelling from Manchester or Heathrow? I can't wait, although a little nervous as its my first single holiday I am also starting to get very excited now. I was a bit concerned about age especially when you read that the average age is 45+. I am 31, will turn 32 upon landing back in Heathrow 😞

Looking forward to meeting you in September.


Amanda x

Hi Nicola

Just a quick message to say that I'm going on the Golden West tour this September. It's my 30th birthday present to myself and I honestly can't wait. While I know it's a bit daunting going on holiday by yourself I think it's better to take a chance than to dwell on the fact that you didn't do it when you had the opportunity. As Just You give the option of staying in an airport hotel in the UK the night before - giving you the opportunity to meet the tour manager and other travellers - you've an ideal chance to meet others on your tour instead of meeting a bunch of 'strangers' at the airport.

Holidaying with people you don't know can be difficult no matter what their age (or yours) so I think it's worth going with an open mind and see how you get on. After all, they may be worrying that there could be young people on the tour getting drunk and being rowdy!!

Keep an eye out on the board for reviews of the holiday at the end of September (I'll put something there to let everyone know what a great time we had!)

Take care, Kim