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Hi Alison

You're welcome, I'm gald to help. I remember my first time nerves were awful, but we are all well taken care of and you will definitely be glad you took the plunge!


Thank you Rose for replying, that really made me feel better.  I am sure I will have a great time.
Hi Alison

Once you have your luggage just head out following the exit signs and you'll see someone with a JY clipboard. They're looking out for you so don't worry. If for any reason you don't see them just stay where you are with you JY label clearly visible and they, or a fellow traveller, will find you.

We all have fears, particularly on our first trip, but everything will be fine, you can tell that by the number of us who return time and time again. Enjoy your trip


Hi Alison

Thanks for your message, it's natural to feel nervous for your first trip. A Just You Rep will be waving at you in the arrivals hall and they'll have a clipboard with the Just You logo on it so they will be easy to spot. Have a fantastic time, we hope you enjoy every minute!

Best wishes

Just You Team

As I am flying from my local airport, Bristol, I presume there won't be a JY rep there.  Will there be one at my destination airport and how will I find them?  This is my first solo holiday so freaking out a bit!