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Being a vegetarian, I have not tried any exotic meat or insects. Even if I was a meat eater, I would not want to eat insects or slimy snails - yuk. I do admire people who have tried all these things. I love fruit and have tried many exotic fruits. The only one I had never ever heard of or seen before was the snake fruit in Bali. It's skin was like snake scales. Have not seen this fruit anywhere else. We also purchased a durian in Bali, but unfortunately it was not ripe enough so it was given to our local tour guide and the driver who were delighted. Shame as I really wanted to try the fruit! I also loved mangosteens in Dubai and Bali. Where fruit is concenred, I will try anything once.


Like a few people have said, I've not been that adventurous when it comes to food... the idea of frogs legs, or eating snails ewwww. I think Oysters are weird - why on earth do people eat them!!

That said, I've eaten Kangaroo, Goat and Zebra... and in China pushed a bowl of soup which contained chicken feet around for a while 🙂

alpaca in peru was great, deep fried insects in thailand are certainly worth a try as are some of the exotic fruits on offer and japan has a whole range of taste experiences


Sorry can't contribute much this week but I do enjoy frogs legs in France.  Think the meat might have been reindeer in Iceland and they serve some revolting dried fish.  The deserts in the Sunstar Hotel in Wengen (JY Hol to Switzerland) are delicious - their main courses are goo too but I have a sweet tooth.
I have been enjoying reading what fellow travellers have tasted. 

Unfortunately although having had the opportunity to try various strange foods (certainly strange to me) from around the world I have invariably declined them. This is purely because I would be the one who would end up with tummy problems, which is a shame because part of the fun of travelling is trying the local dishes.



Jordan 2010 was Foul Chicken which we were not too sure about, some brave soul tried it and pronounced that it was delicious 😃 

My French penfriend has a Cordon Bleu cook for a mum- often surprised by what was on the table. Dictionary was well used ! Her daughters' wedding gave us sweetmeats and testicles- we think that is what they said?

Awaiting Singapore and Asian cooking in October- should be fun 😉 


I went on a business trip to Japan back in 2001 and.had the doubtful pleasure of eating Sea Urchin, raw Octopus (rubbery) and raw Cuttlefish (slimey). As for strange food on a JY holiday...I had a Spagetti Bolognaise in Mexico which had shrimps in it! Apart from being barely warm, it was OK -.just a rather novel departure from what I would have thought was fairly well tried and trusted recipe!



ooh I think I tried some croc in Ayers Rock washed down with a little bubbly lo about as elaborate as its got for me I think


Various unknown meats in China and Viet Nam, aligator ribs and burgers in Florida, seafood bake cooked over a traditional trench, and moose burger in Alaska, pickled insects in Thailand and of course escargots in France.
'Hils' wrote:

Hi Julia,

Oooh so many different foods! Guinea pig and alpaca in Peru, frogs' legs/snails in France. Every insect you could think of in Thailand. I passed on the fried scorpions, and jellyfish in Hong Kong. Widgidi grubs (sorry about the spelling) in Australia. Eland, kudu, oysters, oryx, impala, wildebeest, springbok in Namibia. The only thing I won't eat is eel - in any form!



I forgot the crocodile and zebra in Kenya!