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I've been on 5 JY holidays so far and another coming up soon - hooray!

Four of the Tour Managers have been great and the other one was 'ok', she did her job.

It doesn't really seem right to choose between them but my special favourite was Ann Forsey (Annie) who we had for South Africa. She and the local guide Shaun (Sean?), looked after us superbly and their knowledge of SA was first class. Their obvious love of the country shone through in their respective ways and was quite intoxicating.

By the end of the holiday Annie was much more than just a Tour Manager, she was a friend as well.


'Julia' wrote:

Good afternoon fellow solo travellers,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and managed to enjoy some of the lovely weather.

A few weeks ago, we asked you what it was that the Tour Manager added to your Just You experience and you expressed it was things like their organisation, their friendliness/sense of humour, their passion for travel and their adaptability to any group and situation. Some of you went on to name a couple... which takes us to this weeks Monday Musing;

We are lucky enough to have some of the best Tour Managers in the business, due to your feedback in the previous musings, and the fact they feature regularly in Community reviews/post-holiday questionnaires, we know how much you appreciate them. What we want to know is.... Who is/are your favourite Tour Manager(s) and most importantly why?

We look forward to reading your comments

Kindest regards,


Missed this last week, however Stephen Rodaway on the Chicago to New Orleans in 2014 and Jonathan on Flavours of Tuscany 2015. Only had one bad TM- forgotten her name on the Jordan, Sinai and Cairo in 2010, yet the local guides that came with us were amazing. Min who did the walking in Yorkshire- where does she get her energy from 😉 


Hi All

I agree with others in that TM can make or break a holiday, but I do try to rise above a bad one - I can only recall two real humdingers!

Of my favourites it's those who have TM'd my long haul holidays for their organisation, enthusiasm and ensuring that all travellers have a fun time - Judy Lewin New Zealand, Suzanne Brown South Africa, Brian Croft Canadian Rockies, Filomena Lima Cuba, David Crawford Alaska, Patrick Twomey Winter Rockies and then the unforgettable Sarah Wrightson Italian Dolomites and Croatia who kept the group informed about "facilities"!



I couldn't agree more Cindy!! 

My  favourite TM  is Vlatka Milejovi.  "V" is the TM for JY's Istrian Coast, (amongst other tours she does).  I first met V when the tour was based in Rabac, and was struck by her organisational skills, good humour and friendliness.  The second time I went on this trip (now based in Lovran), we had a smaller group, and it was easier  to get to know her better.  She goes above and beyond, ensures that everyone is included, and just cares about everyone. 

She also sings well, and enjoys ice cream.  😃   And she has a fantastic memory.  I hadn't seen her for 3 years and she remembered me straight away, and gave me a big hug. 

I think I have been fairly lucky and had good TM's apart from one who wasn't bad, just had a "shouty" attitude, and tended to treat people like children.

I would like to mention 3 more good TM's who I have been lucky enough to encounter. 

Rob Hey was the TM for my second trip to Cilento Coast.  An excellent guy, very caring, good fun and there when you needed him.

Mark Harbidge was TM for my trip to Slovenia, which was the first trip there for JY.  He did so much that trip to enhance the experience for us, changing the itinerary where needed to give us more.  Without him I would not have seen Lublijana and Trieste.  I have very fond memories of that trip.

Lastly, my last TM, Damian Stent.  Damian was so kind to me after my accident on the flight out.  I think everyone on the tour liked him.  He was good fun, mixed well with us all, and obviously really enjoys being in Spain.

'Chris84' wrote:

Hi Julia

I have only been on 2 JY trips so far, and I can totally agree with Kezzer, that Sue McCullough is an excellent TM, and was a big part in enjoying the Athens, Olympia and Corinth trip last month. .  

The other TM in Sardinia was not so good. He got into a heated drunken argument with a few of the group at the welcome drinks evening, kept his distance and head down the rest of the week.  



How awful re Sardinia tour I hope you put in a letter of complaint and got an answer in return.

The TM on Nashville and Memphis tour which was all about music, she had no interest in music whatsoever and let us all know her thoughts she just put a whole downer on the group...

TM can make or break a tour for me....

We are paying good money for these tours and we deserve someone who is up to the job.


Hi Julia

I have only been on 2 JY trips so far, and I can totally agree with Kezzer, that Sue McCullough is an excellent TM, and was a big part in enjoying the Athens, Olympia and Corinth trip last month. .

The other TM in Sardinia was not so good. He got into a heated drunken argument with a few of the group at the welcome drinks evening, kept his distance and head down the rest of the week.


I've been on a number of JY tours so its hard to pick my best tour manager, but I've done 3 with Barbara Eastelake , 2 with Kim Clark and one with Yvette Barlett and Sarah Wrightson and they all have everything so organised and seem to be able to cope with anything that is thrown a them, I have many happy memories of the trips I have done including all the photos with Sarahs yellow balloon

I have done 13 JY tours and 9 TS tours and apart from our TM in South Africa all the TMS have been great.

The TM who I will never forget is Rosario Malca, for all the reasons that Abbadave wrote about. I was the person who was stretchered unconscious down from Macchu Pichu in Sept 2014-not really an altitude problem though-and I couldn't have wished for a better TM than Rosie. Rosie is tops!

Suzanne Brown also previously mentioned was my TM on the TS Nile Cruise tour in 2006. She went more than the extra mile. I knew whilst my daughter and I were in Luxor that my friend who I had made on my first JY tour the previous Oct was in Luxor for a week with Voyages Jules Verne. I had hoped to bump into Margaret whilst we were at the Valley of the Kings, needless to say  we didn't bump into each other.. I mentioned this to Suzanne at lunch time on our boat and she asked me my friend's name. Then during our evening meal she told me that she and the local guide had located Margaret and knew that evening she was at the Sound and Light Show. Suzanne then arranged a taxi to take me and my daughter to Margaret's hotel  to surprize her when she and her granddaughter returned after the show. I was totally amazed but my daughter was a little nervous thinking that a random taxi driver would take us out into the desert and demand a ransom. All ended well fortunately.

I have an idea that Suzanne now does some work for One Traveller, having seen her photo on their website.

John Coleman, now retired I believe and actually coming from Market Harborough, the best ever TM we could have wished for on our Kenya Tour in 2007. Originally a JY tour, but cancelled due to lack of numbers so Margaret and I did the TS version which was identical. Having previously lived in Kenya and been a balloon pilot over the Masai Mara he was a font of all knowledge and extremely caring. Getting up at 4.30 am for game drives I can remember him making us sit down and getting our tea and biscuits for us. Not many TMs would do that.

Tony Clive, last but not least on my list, was our TM on the Canadian Rockies tour. apart from his knowledge he was hilarious, was a good singer and during long drives he always kept us smiling. On that tour he and the coach driver Marilyn really hit it off, Tony invariably asking Marilyn to do us a favour. We were always being taken off route to see an extra special waterfall, mountain etc. We all laughed so much when Tony and Marilyn sang their own version of The wheels on the bus.


Yvette Barnet gets my vote Everythjng a tour manager should be, and then some. Sadly, not all managers come up to her high standard. I've travelled at least three who were considered by groups to be very lacking.  The worst of these gave the impression that she was on holiday herself, and did nothing more than get the group from one hotel to the next