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Like others have said, choose somewhere you have always wanted to go to and book without further hesitation. I did that way back in 2010 and like many others, now am addicted the travel!


'jonah' wrote:

Choose somewhere YOU REALLY want to go and then you have something in common with the rest of the group straight away.

I'm totally with that Jonah!?

I'm booked on my first trip. Borneo in Oct 17. What finally drove me was the desire to see Borneo and the realisation that if I didn't book it I wouldn't ever go!! Also this forum is great and offers so much support.

Bob sounds as if he's got the right idea by making sure he talks to everyone on the tour. I'm going to do this and I know that one thing we will be able to talk about for sure is our experiences on the trip.

Thank you everyone


Just be yourself and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

I totally agree with Kezzer . Also, I would add that Life is Too Short to worry about little things. If you fancy going somewhere, then just go ahead and book it and let Just You do the rest!



My one piece of advice would be... forget words like "Single", "Alone" or "strangers". Why, because none of those words apply to a JY holiday.

In truth, you will be travelling with new friends, sharing experiences, making memories and seeing the world. You certainly wont be doing any of it alone unless you want to. There is always someone on hand to help, offer advice of laugh with. Its a fun and safe way to travel and highly addictive :)


On my first holiday I took my Kindle because I thought even if I don't get on with anyone, at least I have a supply of detective books to read. I never got past the first page!
My first solo trip was with 15 couples and 2 'oldies' in their 80's who were solo too. We had nothing in common except the fact that we started in Atlanta, went to Nashville, Memphis and New Orleans. I spent most of the time on my own 😞 

My first JY was amazing, spoke to everyone, all wanted to see the same as me, groups went out en mass so that we had safety in numbers. One of the gentleman used to try and beat me to see who could get the most desserts on their plate in one sitting. I have not had one bad holiday in all 10 that I have done.

So my advice- enjoy :heart: 


I agree with what the others have said ....

Just do it what have you got to loose....

At the end of the day it's 7-10-14-20 days out of your life, so choose somewhere you fancy and book it. Then you will have that in common with every one. Great places to see, people to meet, embrace the journey and have fun.


Hi Julia, I agree with Rose - don't hesitate, life's too short, go for it!!

My advice is - at the beginning of the holiday (i.e. over the first day or two) don't be afraid to approach different people and strike up conversation - sit with different people at mealtimes, try to chat to everyone in the group.  I've made so many great friends through my JY holidays, people I wouldn't have met otherwise.  You won't gel with everyone (just like in everyday life) but if you don't make the effort to socialise you will be missing out!  Conversations often revolve around how many JY tours have you done, which was your favourite, where are you going next etc.....

At this stage, I've learnt that a lot of people tend to "switch off" a bit on holidays and may not be very proactive, so if lunch/dinner isn't included, I often approach a couple of people and ask them if they'd like to meet in the bar at a certain time and head out to dinner/eat together in the hotel and sometimes make a general announcement along the lines of "a few of us are meeting up for a drink/heading to XYZ restaurant for lunch/dinner at ...o'clock if anyone would like to join us."  Also don't be afraid to ask the tour manager (when the meal isn't included) for some suggestions of where to eat and if they know if some of the group have made arrangements - by and large people don't mind you tagging along - some of my best evenings on JY tours have happened that way!!  (I hope the others I was with felt the same....)  

