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Memories of all my 14 Just You tours make me smile - each one has its special moments. Looking forward to many more Just You tours to keep on smiling!


Sorry, already have had one bite of this cherry but must say the 'all in this together' feeling makes me smile. You need a plaster?  Everyone in the group wants to supply a plaster

Same with aspirins, phone etc chargers, anti bite cream, etc. etc etc.  You need something, we have it and are happy to share.

Polar Bears, the Northern Lights, swimming in the Blue Lagoon in a snow downpour, Christopher Columbus Trail in the Costa del Luz trip, eating sausages and lentils for good luck in coming year at Lake Como, The whole Majorca with George trip. Various cable car and funicular rides.   Have been on about 10 JY holidays and just the words JY do it for me.  Huge smile when the latest new book comes through letter box.  Thanks JY for many, many smiles and lasting memories not only of places but strangers who become friends by the time the first evening meal is eaten.
Hi Julia

I do tend to smile if anyone mentions Just You to me! 

Well,  beautiful landscapes and scenery such as the sand dunes and deserts in Namibia, the mountains of The Canadian Rockies and the jungles of Borneo plus awesome structures such as the Taj Mahal and Machu Picchu obviously all have the wow factor.

However, for me it is the people especially the children who we encounter on our travels plus the wildlife that make me smile most. The bowler hatted children of the Uros Islands, the Nepalese kiddies who wanted sweeties from us for a photo to the children in the school in the township in Namibia who just wanted to pose and see themselves on the camera. No matter how deprived these children were they all seemed happy.

As for the wildlife, orang utans swinging in the trees plus monkeys who kept stealing our food, when our backs were turned, whilst we were having a barbeque breakfast in the jungle, all in Borneo. Zebras playing and rolling around in the dirt in Etosha just a couple of weeks ago. 

Traditional dancing, thinking of the Masai jumping, to the beautiful choirs that seemed to appear from nowhere whilst we were in South Africa.

How can anyone not smile.

Kind Regards


Hello Everyone,

Wow, where do I start? First trip was Jordan, Sinai and Cairo- my grin was ear to ear coming out of the Siq and looking at the Treasury, Petra and still one of very few people to eat at Hard Rock Cafe in Cairo which was closed down 3 months later when they had the Arab Uprising- this was a sad time as they looted the Egyptian Museum, stealing and breaking millenia years old sculptures.

Italy and 2 trips, Aida in Verona, Gondola ride in Venice and the majestic small towns in Tuscany that were a delight to visit.

Heart of Alpine Europe- throwing snowballs up one mountain- little things I know , made my day.

Scotland and steam trains- a closet anorak- Eilean Donan since 1986 and Highlander- disappointed that there was no Mel Gibson 😞 

Lille x2 Waving at Sue Davis in Ghent with the Davis Cup being played there. Had to explain to the boat captain who she was.

Music throughout Route 61, Chicago to New Orleans- oh happy days made better at the end with cafe au lait and beignets at Cafe du Monde on Decatur Street, New Orleans :heart: 

Sorry, grinning like an idiot just thinking of happy holidays with Just You xx


Hi Julia,

I think there is always a lot to smile about on a JY holiday. Sharing your holiday with the new friends you make, brings much happiness and laughter, and with it lots of smiles.

On my first holiday to Italy with JY, I will never forget being on a gondola in Venice, when a gentleman in the boat in front stood up and began to sing opera... it was totally unexpected and the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.


Memories that made me smile.

Grin from ear to ear VERY big smile, seeing my beloved elephants roaming free in Kenya they will always have a place in my heart. Also the local children that came into sing for us at the safari hotel such beautiful smiling faces from them and me.

New York and many other part of USA I have seen, to see Iconic buildings, places, memorials, many have made me smile.

Laughing as in tears running down (could be in fear) helicopter flights, New York, Franz Joseph, and others, I have been so lucky to see so many things from many different ways, so that's a smile from me.

Jaw dropping smile/grin/awesome/OMG moment has to be for me Australia (not with JY as the tour was cancelled but I did similar another way) Ayres Rock!!! Rocks for me made me smile..

There have been two places in this world that have made me smile and be so moved to shed a tear as well. They are

MIlford Sound - NZ and Ayres Rock - OZ


Hi Julia, thankfully I have had many moments on all my JY tours that have made me smile or gasp in amazement - for me it's stunning scenery and wildlife that make me the happiest on holiday: some of the memories that stand out the most are the Grand Canyon panorama from the Southern Rim (more impressive than the Western rim), along with the views in Monument Valley and Bryce Canyon on the National Parks tour; seeing such a variety of wildlife and spectacular scenery in South Africa and the views of the Victoria Falls from a helicopter; seeing a tiger up close in Ranthambore in India, as well as the stunning Taj Mahal; driving over the Andes and seeing the incredible Iguazu Falls in South America as well as enjoying the Tango show in Buenos Aires and a day at a ranch; spending a night on a boat in Halong Bay in Vietnam as we gently sailed between the karst mountains; seeing an amazing array of wildlife in Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica like no other I've experienced; seeing the iconic Great Wall and Terracotta Warriors in China, along with getting great photos of the pandas at play in Chengdu; seeing yet more jawdropping landscapes in Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan; everything about my short trip to Iceland (wish it could have been longer); unique dramatic scenery, great food and wonderful wildlife in Namibia; seeing the orang-utans in Borneo and the many attractions of Singapore, a city like no other; and finally, on my most recent tour, experiencing the culture and history of Burma was also very special.  The smiles on the faces of the people added to my own happiness.

All these wonderful holiday experiences not only made me smile and very happy at the time but they have all remained in my memory and I often look through my photos (which I still print out and put in albums) and smile all over again.  So thanks to JY I have seen so much of the wonder of our world and its beauty, I just hope finances and health allow me to travel for many years to come!

All the best,


Good morning all!

Today is International Day of Happiness, so for today's 'Monday Musing' we thought we'd ask you to share your Just you moments that make you smile. Add your comments below and share the happiness.

Kindest regards
