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Hi all,

Just a quick thank you to those of you who have sent in some photos so far, and those of you promising some in the future - please keep them coming, we are loving seeing your adventures and can't wait to share these with others!

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Since I have already send quite a few photos from South Africa / Zambia trip, I will send you some when I return from my Costa Rica/Nicaragua trip.



'janib' wrote:

Hello Julia,

Email was returned as not allowed on your senders list.

I have changed my email from XXXXXXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and I am not sure if this is the cause of the problem


Good Afternoon Julia,

I am so sorry that toy has some trouble emailing us. We have contacted the IT team and it has been sorted out. It was not your fault.

Kindest Regards,


Thanks for all your feedback so far - the great news is that some of this is already in the pipeline, but we'll also take a look at what else we can add in based on your comments!
Hi Julia I am hoping to go on the American Music Heritage tour April 2018,I would be interested in more information on that and the other new tours when they appear in the brochure.My main interests are in North America,but,I am sure that information on new tours to the rest of the world, would encourage others to book them.


I think a piece on all holidays that fellow travellers haven't previously reviewed would be helpful. Also, a day in the life of a JY worker, ie customer services who do a thankless task.
I agree Daventry. I know last minute changes sometimes have to be made  ut it would be good to know the name of the tour manager in advance. Also, can we have mobile numbers for use in emergencies  please.  Currently a few managers provide this, but the majority do not.
I agree also with what SarahS and AbbaDave have said!  I really do think JY should give more prominence to the add-ons in the brochure, especially when they are to different destinations e.g. Zambia for South Africa and Cambodia for Vietnam - I've done both of these tours and although the main tours were fantastic, the add-ons were even better!  JY are selling them a bit short I think, so if there's not enough room in the brochures, then at least more info in the Inspirations magazine would be good.  It would be good to read more interviews with the tour managers and a profile piece on some more of the JY staff such as yourself and Mildred, as Dave has mentioned.

All the best,


Hi Julia

I would love to see more information on Tour Managers although I know it would be impossible to list them all just a few in each edition, I also believe that when we get our final Travel Docs there ought to be information regarding our TM for that tour, I would also love to see articles and pictures on some of the JY staff, putting pictures to names etc like yourself and Mildred and one or two reviews from your Travellers either taken off the forum or what people have sent in



Could we have some items on the add ons available  for  long haul tours please. These often seem to get overlooked in reviews  and details contained in brochures can be a bit sparse