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I think it's a great idea, something I've always wanted to do.

I'll whisper in a few people's ear to see what we can do....


'burnt wrote:

why don't you have a photo competition with something like capturing the just you spirit?

what is that anyway?

sounds like a new thread

That's a fantastic idea! I love it. I bet Jules will too and she will know how to make it happen!

why don't you have a photo competition with something like capturing the just you spirit?

what is that anyway?

sounds like a new thread

Tim 9 years ago
'mikew' wrote:

Hi Julia,

I've sent you 33 photos from the Inspirational China tour of 8th-24th October.....3 photos are attached to each of 11 e-mails. They were sent successfully from my side, so I hope they reach you OK.



Hi Mike, thank you very much for sending the photos. All 33 received OK. We'll compile them into an album on Facebook as soon as we can and post a link to it here on the Community when they're up.



Tim 9 years ago
'marks' wrote:

Hi Julia,

I had wondered why my photos hadnt been put up!

Waiting with anticipation.


Hi Mark, we're hoping to catch up soon with sharing some of the excellent photos and albums we've been sent by Just You travellers recently - apologies for the delay.



Hi Julia,

I've sent you 33 photos from the Inspirational China tour of 8th-24th October.....3 photos are attached to each of 11 e-mails. They were sent successfully from my side, so I hope they reach you OK.



Hi Julia,

I had wondered why my photos hadnt been put up!

Waiting with anticipation.


Hi Mike,

We'd love to see those and share them on the Facebook page if that's OK?

If you send them to, the guys on the social media team will be able to pick these up. We do have a limit on the size of email we can receive so it may be that you can only send a few pictures at a time depending on the file size (sorry).

Thank you in advance


Hi Julia,

I have some photos from my recent October trip to China which you may like to see. How do I send the pictures to you? Should I send them via this forum or directly to you via e-mail.

Many thanks


oh I hate surprises... tell me now.. 🙂