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Hi Paula,

Apologies, we had to rope in a couple of colleagues to get this, as the information was available to those of us on the Community.

We use a Local Tour Manager for this trip, and this will be Daniela Palacios who will meet you when you arrive in Ecuador.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Jamie.

I'll have a look at the weekend.

Also, who will be the Tour Manager and will they be travelling with the group from Heathrow?



Good Morning Paula,

You should be able to go into check in online 24 hours before your flight departs, where you can pick your seat and get your boarding pass 🙂

I hope you have an amazing time!



Just wondering if it is possible to check in On-line for this trip?

If it isn't, is there anyway to request an Aisle Seat? (especially on the long flights)

Can't believe its less than two week to go now.

