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Hi Sylvia and David,

I enjoyed the show on Easter Island, it was good fun!  You both will have the time of your lives on this amazing tour I am sure!

David, I went in Nov 2017 and on the whole the weather was very good, better than expected.  We had some rain in Puerto Montt but that cleared after half a day.  In Patagonia it was extremely windy (it's always windy there, but this was worse than usual) and unfortunately the Chilean Navy closed access to the glaciers on safety grounds.  However we did everything else on the itinerary and had a really enjoyable day at a sheep estancia instead - see my review for full details of what we got up to!!

All the best,


PS if I can help with any other queries, don't hesitate to ask!

'DavidG' wrote:

Hello Sylvia,

I would appreciate hearing about the weather etc as I have a provisional booking for November 2020.


Sure.  Have a look at the excellent reviews from Bob, Julie and Pendlewitch on various dates in 2017.  Looks like a combination of warm/sunny and cold/wet weather gear required!

I did reply to your previous post about upgrade costs.



Hello Sylvia,

I would appreciate hearing about the weather etc as I have a provisional booking for November 2020.

'AELB' wrote:

Hiya Sylvia

There are a number of traditional dancing shows available on Rapa Nui but Kari-Kari is one of the longest established. All the performers are amateurs from the local community but their culture and history is extremely important to them and they spend years training and working their way up the ranks in the show (and also in competition during the annual  Tapati festival in February) They show a film before the show starts explaining the training that they do.  

The 'theatre', like everything on the Island, is very rough and ready - basically plastic garden chairs in a large shed off the main street but there is a little bar and there are several cafes close by for pre-show dining. They perform about three evenings per week - your hotel reception will tell you which nights the show is on. From memory, the tickets are about $15 and can be bought on the door but if you haven't reserved in advance, get there early-ish to get a good spot. (Not too close to the stage if you aren't keen on 'audience participation'...)

To sum up, it's a lot of fun. Not exactly the Frank Marino 'Divas' show we saw in Vegas but very high energy, traditional music and dance featuring beautiful Rapa Nui ladies with enviable washboard stomachs and muscular tattooed local guys in very small loin cloths!!

Go for it - you will have a blast :D

Happy travels


Thanks Mandy.  

Having enjoyed the traditional dance shows in both NZ and Hawaii, I'll be knocking on the door as soon as they open!



Hiya Sylvia

There are a number of traditional dancing shows available on Rapa Nui but Kari-Kari is one of the longest established. All the performers are amateurs from the local community but their culture and history is extremely important to them and they spend years training and working their way up the ranks in the show (and also in competition during the annual  Tapati festival in February) They show a film before the show starts explaining the training that they do.  

The 'theatre', like everything on the Island, is very rough and ready - basically plastic garden chairs in a large shed off the main street but there is a little bar and there are several cafes close by for pre-show dining. They perform about three evenings per week - your hotel reception will tell you which nights the show is on. From memory, the tickets are about $15 and can be bought on the door but if you haven't reserved in advance, get there early-ish to get a good spot. (Not too close to the stage if you aren't keen on 'audience participation'...)

To sum up, it's a lot of fun. Not exactly the Frank Marino 'Divas' show we saw in Vegas but very high energy, traditional music and dance featuring beautiful Rapa Nui ladies with enviable washboard stomachs and muscular tattooed local guys in very small loin cloths!!

Go for it - you will have a blast :D

Happy travels


Hi Sylvia,

Apologies for the delay.

There are 18 people booked on this trip, 2 men and 16 women. Their ages range from late 50s to early 70s.

Your Tour Manager will be Damien Stent.

Many thanks,



Having paid the final balance and now booked the optional excursion on Easter Island, this holiday is now coming closer.

Can I ask the usual questions - How many on the main trip, the add on and who will be our Tour Manager, please?

Any travellers reading this who have previously been on this trip: did you see the Kari Kari show on Easter Island?  Views?

