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Thanks Vickie. That’s answered my queries and sorted out my cold feet!! I’ll see if anyone else is in the Community - it’s always nice to know some names before we go.
Hi Alison,

Not long to go now! 🙂

Yes, I would advise taking something to cover up your shoulders, but knee length shorts should be fine. Sometimes you can go in with sleeveless tops but it can depend on which one.

I'm afraid I can't find a post from Tour Manager anywhere searching the forum, but if I can answer any other questions do let me know.

Regarding the walks we advise that you need to have a good degree of physical fitness, but if there are any walks that you're not sure of when you get there then you can stay on the coach instead. There will be plenty of rest stops to enjoy the scenery and most walks take place on paths and tracks so won't be overly steep.

There are 23 people booked on this trip, 4 men and 19 women. Their ages range from late 40s to late 70s 🙂

Many thanks,


I have booked this holiday for late September - close enough to start planning what to take!! We are visiting quite a few cathedrals after our walks and I am wondering if you have to cover up or are  knee length shorts and sleeveless tops acceptable. 

Also, I have read a blog that a past tour manager wrote, and for the life of me I can’t find it now. How many days are predominantly flat and how many will make me feel my years ( cold feet setting in!)?

Finally how many are on the holiday and are there some oldies like me?

