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Hi I would suggest that you bring both debit and credit cards - if you're not keen on bringing them have you thought about getting a currency card, which works in the same way?  You just load a certain amount of money onto it and use it like any other card.  I would also bring several hundred in sterling and in US dollars to change along the way.  Your TM will help you change money as you go and you can ask them for advice on how much to change in each destination.  Beware of using some ATMs which may charge you high transaction fees - ask your TM/local guide for advice if you're unsure.

Packing is a tricky one on such a long trip - I suggest you bring clothes that you can wash yourself (bring travel wash) and will dry quickly.  On some long tours, I do a mini wash on the first night of a two (or longer) night stay in a particular hotel.  Alternatively if you have a lot to wash, many hotels do a 12 or 24 hour laundry service, but check with reception that they will definitely be returned to you within your timescale!

Have a fantastic time!


'Sally636' wrote:

Hi I am also booked onto the trip in September and I am looking forward to it and meeting you all very much.

Im very excited about the trip and meeting you all, less than 50 days to go.   Im still in a slight state of panic as to what to pack.   Im worried about the baggage limits and the differing climates we are going to have to cater for.      Also still not sure what to do about spending money.   Hoping that our tour leader will give us some guidance in the next few weeks.    🙂

Hi I am also booked onto the trip in September and I am looking forward to it and meeting you all very much.

There are currently 19 people booked on this trip.

The ages range from early 50s to mid 70s and the gender split is 11 women & 8 men.

Enjoy the trip 🙂



Hi, Im booked on the Global Explorer Tour in September and would love to know how many fellow travellers will be on this holiday.   The age range and gender split would be good to know too.