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Hi Toni,

The donation would not be made on your behalf, if you wanted to make a donation then the majority of airlines we use have that option, if that's something you would like to do yourself.

Many thanks,


Thanks - it sort of helps, but as the flights are booked through JY, I wouldn't know if/when any donations are being made on my behalf.
I would not be prepared to pay extra for a holiday with JY as they are already sliding up the scale of expensiveness!



Hi Toni,

The majority of airlines we use have policies in place which aim to mitigate their carbon emissions, including British Airways, Virgin and Emirates. For example, some airlines will calculate the carbon footprint cost based on the mileage of a flight, and then invite you to donate that amount to charity. Many of the airlines fly new aircraft which are efficient and so use less fuel.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks,


I love travelling with JY and most of your fantastic holidays involve flights - either long or short haul. As we are becoming brutally aware, we are damaging the planet in all sorts of ways, and carbon off-setting is becoming quite a big deal (with energy companies, some airlines, etc). Is it possible / are you considering a scheme by which we can pay a little extra in order to carbon off-set the damage done to the environment as a result of these flights? I, for one, would consider that to be money well spent.