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'moggypawprints' wrote:

Hi Ceebee,  This is Linda, I will be your Tour Manager for this trip and I look forward to meeting you.

I would suggest packing layers of clothing to cover all weathers, but it should not be too cold, maybe a little windy, so a lightweight warm jacket.  Sunscreen is recommended. Do pack comfortable shoes as the terrain is hilly with many cobble stones, in  a lot of places.  Smart casual for dinner.

Have a good flight.



Thanks Linda.  I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.  I'm arriving a day early so I'll see everyone at the hotel in Porto.  Cheers!

Hi Ceebee,  This is Linda, I will be your Tour Manager for this trip and I look forward to meeting you.

I would suggest packing layers of clothing to cover all weathers, but it should not be too cold, maybe a little windy, so a lightweight warm jacket.  Sunscreen is recommended. Do pack comfortable shoes as the terrain is hilly with many cobble stones, in  a lot of places.  Smart casual for dinner.

Have a good flight.



'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Candy,

Snow, wow! It's sunny here at Just You HQ, but chilly - Spring can't be far off now!

Enjoy the trip 🙂



I work in Desborough, so can vouch for your weather report Vickie!

Hi Candy,

Snow, wow! It's sunny here at Just You HQ, but chilly - Spring can't be far off now!

Enjoy the trip 🙂



'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Ceebee,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Regarding packing, lightweight clothing and beachwear (including sun protection) are recommended for the spring/summer months, and during winter months, take warm clothing, especially if heading inland. It is a good idea to pack waterproofs at any time of the year and comfortable shoes for excursions.

There are 17 people booked on this trip, 5 men and 12 women. Their ages range from late 40s to late 70s.

Many thanks,


Thank you Vickie.  I am looking forward to the trip.  It snowed here again today. Will spring ever arrive??? 

Take care.    Candy

'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Ceebee,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Regarding packing, lightweight clothing and beachwear (including sun protection) are recommended for the spring/summer months, and during winter months, take warm clothing, especially if heading inland. It is a good idea to pack waterproofs at any time of the year and comfortable shoes for excursions.

There are 17 people booked on this trip, 5 men and 12 women. Their ages range from late 40s to late 70s.

Many thanks,


Thanks Vickie

Hi Ceebee,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Regarding packing, lightweight clothing and beachwear (including sun protection) are recommended for the spring/summer months, and during winter months, take warm clothing, especially if heading inland. It is a good idea to pack waterproofs at any time of the year and comfortable shoes for excursions.

There are 17 people booked on this trip, 5 men and 12 women. Their ages range from late 40s to late 70s.

Many thanks,


Hello everyone. 

  I am booked on the May 6-13 Picturesque Portugal tour, arriving in Porto from Canada. 

  Does anyone have any comments or suggestions that might help me pack or prepare? 

  How many people are booked on this tour? 

Thank you.