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Hi Bob,

Thanks for letting me know about this. We'll look into it and see what's happening, and I'll come back to you on here to let you know once it's resolved.



Hi Vickie,

For the last month or two, all notifications from the Community have gone into my Spam folder, again despite me marking them as "not Spam."  Like many it seems, I only get a notification when an editor has responded to a thread, rather than when others have posted on it, despite my choosing to subscribe and receive email notification of new replies...this has never worked for me for posts, other than when the editor has replied.

All the best,


Hi June,

Sorry to hear that your emails are going into spam, I've passed this to our web team to look into.

Our security certificate is now up to date, so I'll check with our web team again as to what could be causing this.



I am also getting the certificate isn't passing the security test message, everything from Just You still goes into my Spam folder despite me marking that they are not spam?
Thank you Bob! 🙂
Thanks Vickie, 

Glad it was sorted quickly.  And also, just to say, you are doing a really great job - posts are appearing quickly and queries answered promptly!

Much appreciated,


'Vickie' wrote:

Thanks Bosuncat, I run the FB page too so that was me! 🙂

Glad it's all sorted now - thanks for your patience.


And you met my other self lol.  😃

Thanks Bosuncat, I run the FB page too so that was me! 🙂

Glad it's all sorted now - thanks for your patience.



I really did wonder what was happening with the error that was showing up for me, so I am glad it was all sorted out in the end!


Which it is.  Nice to get a swift response from the FB site when I sent them a message about it Vickie.  
