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Hi Avocet,

Haha, It was a clever theory at least, you'd make a good detective!

Thank you for the welcome, I'm looking forward to the role 🙂



Hi Vickie

Now all is revealed.  Welcome to the JY forum, it's nice to put a face, or should I say half a face, to a name.

I began to have my suspicions you might be logging in under Monty's old Moderator Profile when I noticed that Mildred and Amy used the same job title profile, so I took a chance in going down the Monty road hoping to get a reaction from you, and who knows, she could have been back, but you wouldn't bite. Well played! Guess you can say I just don't like mysteries.

I hope you enjoy being our new Moderator, not too many Sundays working I hope.  You've got the great backing as ever from our lovely Jules, what would we do without her, and not forgetting Matt of course, welcome to him.


Well I'm going to stick my neck out and say come on Monty, games up, unless someone else is using your login that is.   😃


The only one that I can think of is Monty?

Please do tell, this is driving me nuts 😛 


I think you are right, Avocet. I thought that almost from the start when I saw their login. Time will tell...


I could be very wrong but I think it's a famous British field marshall, albeit not male.                      


Dave I think you're safe enough...I reckon I've worked it out...time will the new Moderator taylor made for the job?



oh no not Mildred lol
Hi xxxxx 🙂

Like Barb I now think I've worked out who you are, took just little bit of fun detective work and it all fits perfectly, so I'm hoping I've got it right this time . If I am correct can I just say welcome back! 


'Moderator' wrote:

Yep you're quite right, I'm not Kev JY! In all honesty we just thought it would be fun to do a reveal :)

I am hoping for Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman, or should I carry on dreaming!
