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Good Morning Dyuti,

I'm glad to hear this.

Kindest Regards,


'Moderator2' wrote:

Hi Bob,

No, additional costs would only be applied to new bookings which is why I have asked customer services to arrange a refund.

However, I have been informed that the local agent increased the cost of this booking - yet they should only have done this for new bookings.

I hope that this answers your question.

Kindest Regards,


Hello Amy,

I was asked to pay the extra, but I thought to write in ask first before I pay £4. So refund is not needed. 

I believe I booked the tour in February or March. 


Thanks for your reply Amy - your head must be spinning with all the comments and questions over the last few days!!!

Best wishes,


Hi Bob,

No, additional costs would only be applied to new bookings which is why I have asked customer services to arrange a refund.

However, I have been informed that the local agent increased the cost of this booking - yet they should only have done this for new bookings.

I hope that this answers your question.

Kindest Regards,


Hi Amy, 

There seem to be crossed wires here - and I agree with SarahS's concerns regarding a price increase on an excursion being applied after the excursion has been booked.  I have never heard of this before and it is a cause for concern.  It seems bizarre and very mean for Dyuti to be asked for an additional £4 for an excursion on a holiday that is costing around £6,000!  Or has Dyuti misunderstood the situation and that the higher price only applies to new bookings and not to hers, as she has already booked the excursion?

Best wishes,


'SarahS' wrote:

No I haven't  been asked to pay  an increase,  I was asking what is JY policy on increases arising after excursion and tour cost have been paid in full

Hi Sarah,

My apologies - usually current bookings do not incur a price increase, this would only happen for new bookings.

However, JY's policy on increases arising after excursion and tour costs have been paid in full is that the customer would receive a refund (only if this was on current and not new bookings).

I hope this helps.

Kindest Regards,


Good Afternoon Dyuti,

Sorry to hear that you've had to pay an increase on your excursion.

However, I have forwarded your message onto customer services who will arrange a refund for you.

Apologies again for any inconvenience that this has caused.

Kindest Regards,


No I haven't  been asked to pay  an increase,  I was asking what is JY policy on increases arising after excursion and tour cost have been paid in full
'SarahS' wrote:

I have booked numerous excursions prior to departing the UK, and never been asked to pay an increase. Nor have I ever seen anything in writing, or been informed on booking, that prices might fluctuate. I have always assumed that once paid the pice is fixed.  I'm quessing currency fluctuation is the excuse: certainly something to bear in mind when prebooking future excursions. It would be useful if JY clearly 5 stated the policy on price increases. Is this likely to happen to future tour prices?

'SarahS' wrote:

If Rainbow Springs  still runs  from Roturua,  and you don't do any excursions there, the town is well worth looking around. The old bath house and the public gardens are worth visiting, and there are pleasant lakeside walks. I remember a very enjoyable lunch at the cafe overlooking the lake.

Thank you, SarahS. I will make a note of it.
