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Cambodia & Laos with Vietnam, does anyone have an idea on what money is best to take on this trip, I know dollars but what else. I am really looking forward to going in Feb.
This tour is moving up my wish list. I really loved Siem Reap and the temples, and am very keen to see more of the country.  Moderator, can you tell me if Vietnamese  Airlines offers a premium economy  class.
Good Afternoon Ingrid,

For the 10th of October;

There are currently 14 travellers booked and the age ranges from mid-40s - late 70s.

For the 21st of October;

There are currently 5 travellers booked and the age ranges from early-60s- late-60s.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,


Hello again : ) 

Could one of the community travel reps tell me: 

1. How many people are booked on the Untold Cambodia with Vitetham add on. 

2. Age ranges. 

3. Dates are 10th Oct or 21st Nov. 

Many thanks 


Hello all! 

Thank you for replying to my forum question, your answers have certainly made the trip even more appealing.  I am seriously going to go away and have a big think : ) 



Hi Ingrid,

This trip is on my radar. I did Vietnam & Cambodia some time ago & whilst not an add on Then when I booked Cambodia was a bonus. But what a delightful country it turned out to be. This tour has the bonus that all movement in Cambodia is by ground transportation so you see more of the country & the people (last time I flew between locations) & it takes in Laos which I have not been to before. Also Hanoi (not being occupied during the war years) retains much of the flavour of times gone by.

When I was there last time (February/March) I was told there were 3 seasons

- the hot season

- the very hot season

- the very hot & wet season.

It was shorts & tee weather but I think you can rest assured that JY (& indeed other companies) arrange tours to avoid extremes of weather (unless you specifically want e.g. snow for skiing etc).


Hi Ingrid

I second what Julia says November seems to be a good bet, I didn't do Cambodia and Laos but Did Vietnam in November 2015 with JY and it was dry and hot for most of the time but always take a light raincoat as you can expect the odd unexpected shower



Hi Ingrid,

The "wet season" for Cambodia is typically May - September.

I haven't taken the Just You tour, but I visited Cambodia a couple of years ago in November. There is no denying it was hot and on just one day while we were away there was a short downpour that lasted about 10 minutes - but it happened while we were having lunch and dried out almost immediately.

Kindest regards,



         I am interested interested Untold Cambodia & Laos with Vietnam add on.  

I would like to ask when is the best time to go as I understand that there is a "wet" and "dry season.    I would also like to hear from anyone who has been on the trip or thinking of going as it would be great to hear from fellow travellers.  

Many thanks 
