I live equal distance from Glasgow and Edinburgh and regularly fly down to Heathrow and Gatwick. Edinburgh Airport is a lot further away from you (and in the wrong direction!) than from Gatwick. I'm not sure how you were going to travel to either airport (if you post the question on the Forum I'm sure someone can help with suggested transport etc.). If you were going to go by bus, I think it is at least an extra 4 hours if you go North to Edinburgh. There are likely to be far more JY people flying from Gatwick, and you will be able to spot them very easily if you put your JY labels on your luggage.
Hope this helps!
There are currently 11 travellers booked on this trip and the group is made up of 3 men and 8 women.
The age ranges from mid-40s until mid-70s.
There are no travellers booked yet to travel from Edinburgh but it is still very early days.
Kindest Regards,
was wondering if flying from Edinburgh would be less daunting. I live in Cheshire
Kind Regards
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