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Hi Sylvia,

You are probably right but I'm just very relieved that it has been given the green light at this stage and I'm in the process of getting the connecting flights sorted now.

Anyone else on the forum interested in joining our merry band? I gather the numbers are up to five now!



Hi Bob

As you know, I cannot join you on this trip. I would have thought a wine tasting tour worked better with fewer numbers anyway?


Thanks Mildred - I've just rung JY on another matter and asked about the small number and she said the tour has been given the green light!  I'm delighted and can stop worrying about it running now!!  I do hope some others book in the coming weeks however...



Good Afternoon Bob,

I hope you are having a pleasant day so far.

There are currently 4 travellers booked on this tour.

Kind Regards,


Hi Mildred,

Could you please give me an update for the numbers booked for the Danube Wine trip for 21 May?

Best wishes,


Thanks Mildred, I try to do this but work commitments mean that there are a lot of times when I can't go away. 

Best wishes,


Hi Bob,

You are very welcome.

For the June departure, there are 4 travellers booked. It is always great to keep your options open.

Kind Regards,


Thanks for the additional info Mildred - here's hoping there's a flurry of bookings over the next while!  Just out of interest (and trying to keep my options open), how many are booked on the departure for 11 June please?

Best wishes,


Good Morning Bob,

Yes that is very strange- If there was a cancellation, I wouldn't know about it as it doesn't show on my system.

Kind Regards,


Hi Mildred, that's strange as when I booked I was told I was the 3rd and I know of someone who booked it after me.  I wonder did someone cancel or what happened?

All the best,
