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Groups will always form on a holiday - especially if the size of the people travelling is 20 people or more - its a natural occurrence and it happens all through life from school onwards. The only thing we can do, as single travellers, is to practice what we preach. I try always to include as many people as I can in my plans... suggesting a time to meet up for dinner, giving up a window seat on the coach etc etc Many people I've met do none of these things... inevitably we all gravitate more towards people we have things in common with but again that's common nature.
I'd suggest that the concept of going with JY rather than TS is a little naive.

If both brands booked a holiday using a hotel that wanted (say) £50 a night, the base price on TS would be £25 per person plus the £25 single supplement.

JY would still have to pay the £50 and it would be reflected in the base price of the trip in the brochure.

Una 8 years ago
The main attraction for me towards JY is having a single roon with no supplement. I have travelled on my own on all of my JY trips to date but this year my sister is travelling as well. But we want our own rooms to have some me-space. I don't see why we should be forced to go to Travelsphere and pay a supplement as some here are suggesting, eg by having the "number in party" option removed. And every holiday on JY is not necessarily available on Travelsphere.
Hello Sandra,

I started this thread. I wish I hadn't.

Please please please do not have any second thoughts - look forward to your holiday. You will go on the holiday and you will have a great time I am absolutely sure. 

Dont get me wrong - despite the tone of my post I thoroughly enjoyed my recent holiday but I just wanted to put out my concern upon my return there were a few sets of friends travelling together which in my mind goes against a company catering for solos. 

As others have pointed out it is impossible for JY to control and many people actually don't think there is anything wrong with it so who am I? Just a person like many others with my thoughts.

Don't let my personal opinion upset you. On my holiday whilst I wish everyone was a true solo the pairs were all very nice people plus there were plenty of true solos too.

I've been to Uzbekistan and Jordan with JY. Both fantastic holidays. I then done Peru and Cambodia with Travelsphere on my own. Having done two Travelsphere tours, the Cambodia tour probably being my favourite holiday of all, I was looking forward to going back "home" to JY. I was just a bit surprised by the make up of the travellers.

Don't regret booking - honestly, look forward to your holiday. You'll be hooked like the rest of us when you get back.


Hi Sand

Please don't let these comments put you off.  I am about to do my 9th holiday with JY and have never experienced any of this.  Inevitably there will be like minded individuals who pair/group up especially in large tour groups and yes there will be people who have met before or even decided to take the same holiday.  The extremes that have been quoted are in my experience just that.

The world awaits and lots of new friends.

Best wishes

Hi Sandra,

If you take all the comments on board you will realise that the most reassuring ones have been from those who have been travelling with JY for the longest!  Don't worry about this, it really is NOT an issue.  It would be an awful pity to miss out on a great holiday because of unfounded fears that there may be a few friends travelling together who would upset the balance of the tour party.  On the vast majority of JY tours, there may be just a couple of pairs of friends travelling together and in my experience even then, most of these are happy to mix with others.  Of all the potential worries I may have about going on holidays, this is absolutely the last on my list!!

All the best,


'Rose1999' wrote:

Bob I've been reading all of this with a little concern, I will be making my first solo trip in June having been widowed (at a relatively young age) nearly 13 years ago.  Having finally found the courage to book, I was comforted to think that everyone else would be alone, even if they knew someone form a previous trip.  Reading all of the above has caused me some worry and I hope it doesn't happen on my trips.  But what I really wanted to say to you was that your last sentence  has just made me laugh out loud and I feel so much better about it all now!!!!!!

Thank you!


Hi Rose,  I too am making my first solo trip this June having been widowed 5 years ago, also at a relatively young age.  Having now read all the above comments, I am having second thoughts about this holiday and wondering if it really is what it has been described, a holiday for solo travellers !!!!


Hi Jools

If women think you are after their husbands then I am afraid they either must be very insecure in their marriage or their husbands may have done something to make them feel like this. If someone refused to talk to me, even after me having made an effort to do so, then it is their loss, not mine and I would not let this bother me or ruin my holiday.

Kind regards


I've been on three holidays and they have all been singles with just you China Norway and river cruises
Hi Angie

Yes friends travelling together can be a problem. BUT, I usually travel with a friend and we always end up making new friends. We have an agreement that we do our own thing if we want, go on different excursions if we choose and we always go out of our way to talk to others in the group and try to make new friends. What is the point otherwise? In fact one of the replies on this forum is from someone I met several years ago in the US and we have been in touch ever since. As to being pointed towards Travelsphere, well my friend and I always do our booking together, but as individuals, and never once have we been pointed to Travelsphere! However, last year we went on a "regular" holiday and had some couples refuse to talk to us because they obviously thought 2 divorcees were after their husbands............that was not fun at all.

I do hope you will have better luck on other JY holidays.
